- The maintenance centre inspects audiphones free of charge for the aged people of 70 and over. 本维修中心为70岁以上老人免费检验助听器。
- At present, Beijing Easycom is the first-rank agent &the special-arranged maintenance centre of MOTOROLA, KENWOOD, VERTEX, ICOM. 现为美国摩托罗拉(MOTOROLA)、日本建伍(KENWOOD)、日本威泰克斯(VERTEX)、日本艾可慕(icom)授权的一级代理商和中国地区特约维修中心。
- operation and maintenance centre 操作和维护中心
- The huge consignment of worms will be used for vermiculture composting at the Commission's maintenance centres in Varanasi and Kanpur. 这家农业公司将在1年内还清本金和10%25的利息。养牛业委员会将把这批蚯蚓用作饲料。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。
- Once armed with walkie-talkies were Linshi or rain falling water, please do not turn it on, and it should be promptly sent to the local cluster system maintenance centres, professional treatment. 一旦手持对讲机被雨水淋湿或跌落水中,请不要打开电源,而应及时将它送到当地集群系统维修中心,请专业人员处理。
- A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre. 传教士站在市镇中心慷慨陈词。
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 这些机器需要经常保养维修。
- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- The strikers paraded through the city centre. 罢工者游行通过市中心。
- The police has cordoned off the town centre. 警察用警戒线围住市中心。
- Many legends centre about this historical figure. 许多传说以这个历史人物为中心。
- Maintenance of PC is in my element. 我对电脑的维修保养很在行。
- The town centre certainly needs a face-lift. 市中心可真该装修一下了。
- The town centre was chock-a-block (with traffic). 市中心(车辆)挤得水泄不通。
- He's taking classes in car maintenance. 他正在上汽车维修课。
- Take a west-bind bus to the exhibition centre. 你坐一辆向西走的车去展览馆。
- Many attended the opening of the new sports centre. 很多人参加了新体育中心的开始使用典礼。
- All the shop in the centre of town close on Sunday. 星期日市中心的所有商店关门。
- The new sports centre has saunas and solariums. 新建的运动中心设有蒸汽浴室及日光浴床。