- US Mainstream Media: News Value Scales Lost Balance? 美国主流媒体新闻价值天平失衡?
- Once again the mainstream media reported this uncritically as fact. 主流媒体又再度照单全收,把这个说法当成事实报导。
- The mainstream media cries for religious freedom in China. 主流媒体对中国的宗教自由而哀嚎。
- Fell criticism spread all over the mainstream media. 主流媒体上充斥着尖锐的批评。
- They cover iss ues that receive little attention by mainstream media. 他们报导不受主流媒体关注的议题。
- And, adumbrative also video website will enter the range of mainstream media. 而且,也预示着视频网站将步入主流媒体的行列。
- As the mainstream media tenaciously pursued this story, the facts beneath all the brazen hype became harder to hide. 而随着主流媒体的顽强追问,无良炒作的蛛丝马迹越来越难于掩藏。
- Nothing this large and spontaneous has ever pushed its way unapproved into China's mainstream media before. 没有这个大和自发历来把它未经批准进入中国的主流媒体面前。
- The corporate controlled mainstream media does its best to represent these activists as loners and misfits. 企业掌控的主流媒体,也全力以孤僻及环境适应不良的形象,来素写这些行动者。
- As rumors swirled this week about the Disney Shanghai deal, some of the criticism had made it into mainstream media . 随着本周有关上海迪士尼项目的流言纷纷,一些批评进入了主流媒体。
- The mainstream media also tends to regurgitate the same ol’ stats and angles and you. 主流媒体还趋向于反刍老旧的数据和角度和你。
- The future is not the market leader Daer Quan, the Internet market in the mainstream media pluralism. 未来市场的领先者并不是大而全,互联网市场主流媒介多元化。
- Woodard agrees with Lee, citing such factors as the lack of mainstream media attention given to the sport. 伍德尔认同李的说法,同时列举了诸如主流媒体关注等因素。
- "Jobs" incident this week has been "citizen journalism" will be the second time the mainstream media to the dilemma. “乔布斯事件”已经是本周内“公民新闻”第二次将主流媒体推向窘境。
- Beale's posts regularly hit the front page of Digg and his excellent photos are regularly ripped off without attribution by mainstream media outlets. Beale的文章经常荣登Digg的首页,他完美的照片也经常无缘由的被主流媒体转载。
- Then the media will meet in Houston, attracted the local mainstream media and Chinese media reporters, a lively scene of an extraordinary time. 于是媒体见面会吸引了休斯敦当地主流媒体和华人媒体的大量记者,一时间场面热闹非凡。
- His death earlier this month continues to stir controversy. In China's mainstream media and in the blogosphere , angry Chinese are demanding action. 他的死从这个月初以来引发很大的争议.;中国的主流媒体和网路部落客;生气的中国人要求有所行动
- China demands more new mainstream media that anticipate the future and bravely take responsibilities to lead society into a healthier stage. 中国需要更多的新主流传媒,它们指点未来、勇于担当,将引领社会形成更加健康的新潮流。
- In today's snowstorm, earthquake, the Olympics and other major events, as it has highlighted the role of the mainstream media and power. 在今天的雪灾、抗震、奥运会等大事件中,它已经凸显了作为主流媒体的作用和力量。
- It mixes sound effects, graphics, and witty wordplay.The show also addresses sensitive topics not generally covered by the mainstream media. 它将声画效果与机智的双关语融合起来,还经常讨论一些主流媒体避谈的敏感话题。