- The shell should activate its main window. 外壳应该激活它的主窗口。
- Could not register main window class! 无法注册主窗口类!
- Now your new function will show in the main window. 现在这个新函数将出现在主窗口中。
- Close the dialog and return to the main window. 关闭对话框并返回到主窗口。
- In the main window of your Microsoft Office program, open Help. 在Microsoft Office程序的主窗口中,打开“帮助”。
- The designer for ctlAlarmClock opens in the main window. ctlAlarmClock的设计器在主窗口中打开。
- Error registering main window class application cannot run. 注册主窗口类别出错,应用程序无法运行。
- Is the main window for viewing the data available to your project. 是查看项目可用数据的主窗口。
- When the updater has finished, the main window should be cleared. 更新程序完成之后,主窗口就会被清空了。
- A notification appears as a brief overlay to the main window. 通知显示为主窗口的短重叠项。
- In the main window, switch back to the Design (default) view for Form1. 在主窗口中,切换回Form1的“设计”(默认)视图。
- Everything that you'll ever need to do goes through the main window. 一切,你必须不断地去做,通过主窗口。
- EasyRead 2002 is designed for being embedded to IE, so it has no main window. EasyRead 2002采用嵌入式设计,没有主窗口。
- Open files dialog box can be displayed when click main window in stop status. 停止状态下单击主窗口可显示打开文件对话框。
- Enabled a frame display in trimmed images in main window or edit image window. 不论在主视窗或编辑视窗中,都支援以框架方式显示裁切过的图案。
- Use this command to arrange the icon for minimize window at the bottom of the main window. 使用此命令在主窗口的底部排列用于最小化窗口的图标。
- Right click mouse for menu and double click lcd for main windows. 按下鼠标右键显示菜单双击lcd显示主窗口.
- The little pages could fly across the status bar, or they could fly directly across the main window from directory to directory. 小小的文档页可以飞越状态栏,或者直接从主窗口的一个目录飞到另一个目录。
- Because a dialog is a separate room, we must ask whether the process reported by the dialog is a function separate from that on the main window. 因为一个对话框是一个单独的房间,所以我们必须了解对话框所报告的过程是否与主窗口的功能互相独立。
- From a user’s point of view, however, it is integral to the job at hand and should be obvious in the main window. 但从用户的角度看,它是构成整体所必须的功能,应该包括在主窗口中。