- In this way, reform of the system became the main way to alleviate poverty. 因此,制度的变革就成为缓解贫困的主要途径。
- In this way,reform of the system became the main way to alleviate poverty. 因此,制度的变革就成为缓解贫困的主要途径。
- A main way or thoroughfare, as distinguished from a lane, alley, or the like. 主要道路或通道,区别于巷子、胡同或其它类似的过道。
- After 90's, unilateralism became the main way of Clinton' government. 90 年代以后,单边主义成为克林顿政府的对外贸易政策的重要特征。
- Chinese herbs and formulae are the main way for T.C.M. doctor to treat illness. 中药方剂是中医治疗疾病主要依赖的支柱。
- Their main way is: It is to leave " front door " , block up " postern " . 他们的主要做法是:一是开“前门”,堵“后门”。
- The main way to the main squeeze, also used massage and Kouji practices. 主要手法以挤压为主,亦用按摩和叩击手法。
- Moche pottery has been the main way that experts had interpreted their culture. 陶器曾是专家们破解莫切文化的主要途径。
- An approach called PVD is main way to prepare nano scale aluminium flake at present. 本文阐述的物理气相沉积法(vd法)目前制备纳米片状铝粉的主要方法。
- Instead, eating infected flies seems to be the main way for Salmonella to pass from flies to birds. 吃掉感染的苍蝇看来是鸟类从苍蝇感染沙门氏菌的主要途径。
- Takeover agreement is now the main way of takeover adopted by listed company in China. 协议收购是我国目前上市公司收购的主要方式。
- The main way for you to make money is by surfing our advertisers sites within the surfbar. 你能够多种方法赚钱。
- The main way rogue programs get into a system is by exploiting security holes in the operating system. 恶意的程序进入系统的主要方法是利用操作系统的安全性漏洞。
- In the age, Byzantine religion and culture rushed into Kievan Rus, main way of association is religion and culture. 这一时期,拜占廷大量宗教文化传入罗斯,两国关系以宗教文化交往为主。
- The main way for the reductive dechlorination of chloralkane is the direct transfer of electron. 电子直接转移是氯代烷烃还原脱氯的主要途径。
- The main way of the degradation of the coating exposed in Lasa was photo-oxidation degradation. 结果表明,丙烯酸聚氨酯涂层在拉萨大气环境中老化程度相对较为严重。
- Third, he explains from personality moulding that cultivating oneself is the main way of realizing values in life. 三是从人格塑造的角度阐述以自我修养为主要途径的人生价值实现之路。
- As the vehicle of capital flows,financial field becomes the main way of money laundering. 金融领域是资金流动的载体和媒介,因此也成为洗钱的主要渠道。
- Applying to NSF for research funds has become the professors' main way of getting research funds. 向国家科学基金会申请研究经费是美国教授获得资助的主要途径。
- Hydrophobic measurement is a main way to evaluate the performance of insulators. 绝缘子表面憎水性检测是判别绝缘子性能优劣的主要手段。