- main transformer station 主变电所
- metro main transformer station 地铁主变电所
- Discussion on the Economic Operation of the Main Transformer in Dongqing Co. 东轻公司主变压器经济运行探讨。
- The thermometer of main transformer is damaged. Loco19.We changed it. 19号的点接式温度计坏。已经更换。
- Our company only bid for one newly built 132/33 kV transformer station and 5 km of opening double circuit line in Uttara. 输变电工程公司仅参加Uttara地区 1座新建 132 / 33kv变电站及其 5km破口双回线路的工程投标。
- Main transformer equipment of 390 tons of Yangluo Power Plant, adopting manual winching for unship and entrucking. 阳逻电厂390吨主变压器设备,采用人工拖绞卸船装车。
- Calculation of economic in motion and in motion mode of main transformer in Jinlong Co. 金隆公司主变压器运行方式及经济运行计算。
- This thesis takes CAN fieldbus as communication means forming the synthesical automation system of the transformer station. 摘要以CAN总线为通信手段,构成基于现场总线的变电站综合自动化系统;
- Today is a very hot day,the morning meeting was arranged that used of a weeder to clear of the weeds around our transformer station. 今天是很热的一天,早会被安排用除草机清除我们主变电所周围的草。
- A total of more than 110 kV substation near 120, main transformer kVA capacity of nearly 4,000 million. 共有110千伏以上变电站近120座,主变容量近4,000万千伏安。
- Proficient in high voltage maintenance, know well of facility system: air compressor system, electrical transformer station, air condition, water treatment, fire protection etc. 高压维修经验,了解公用设施系统如:空压机,变电站,中央空调,水处理,消防等。
- It underground powerhouse is composed of main and auxiliary powerhouses, main transformer chamber and swith-yard and busbar tunnel, etc. 地下厂房系统由主副厂房、主变及开关室、母线洞等组成。
- Proficient in high voltage maintenance, know well of facility system: air compressor system, electrical transformer station, air condition, water treatment, fire protection etc. 高压维修经验,了解公用设施系统如:空压机,变电站,中央空调,水处理,消防等。
- According to Itar-Tass reported that preliminary findings showed that the maintenance process of the transformer station explosion is the cause of the accident. 另据俄塔社报道,初步调查结果显示,维修过程中变压器发生爆炸是水电站事故发生的原因。
- Measurement and control system for transformer station based on fieldbus is prevalent recently whose core is communication between nodes and between PC and node. 在基于现场总线的变电站综合自动化系统中,各个节点之间的通信以及节点与上位机之间的通信是系统的核心;
- In the proposed scheme, a thyristor is placed between the main transformer neutral point and the ground and fired in different ways to achieve the above process. 其典型实施方案是在变电站主变中性点与地之间串入一可控硅,通过控制可控硅的导通方式来实现上述过程。
- Keywords: electric main connection,main transformer , short circuit current calculations dynamic stability, thermal stability, layout of the electric equipment. 关键词:电气主接线,主变压器,短路电流计算,动稳定,热稳定,配电装置布置
- In this paper the excitation characteristics of main transformer in the primary substation are analyzed based on the electromagnetic transient program (EMTP) simulations. 摘要: 本文以电磁暂态程式EMTP 来模拟分析台电一次变电所 主变压器之激磁特性。
- A maloperation accident of microprocessor based differential protection for main transformer was investigated. Its cause was analyded, and the solution was brought forward. 摘要对一起主变微机保护差动误动的事故进行调查,分析其原因并提出解决的方法。
- The research outcome of this article has important value to object"s positioning in virtual scene and modeling technology in electric transform station perambulate simulation. 本论文研究成果对虚拟场景中的目标定位、变电站巡视仿真中的建模技术具有参考价值。