- main mill drive motor 轧机主传动电机
- The main applications for split cylindrical roller bearings are cold tube rolling mill (Pilger mill) crankshafts, bucket wheel excavators, rolling mill drive spindles as well as large ventilation installations. 分离式圆柱滚子轴承的主要应用是钢管冷轧机(皮尔格无缝钢管轧机)的曲轴、杓轮挖掘机、轧钢机驱动转轴以及大型通风设备。
- This machine is mainly used to peel log with small diameter, it is main drive motor is AC motor or DC motor. Which is determined by the user themselves. 本机主要适用于小径木旋切,主传动电机可根据用户要求配备交流电机或直流电机。
- The control plan of main drive motor controller and PLC on the AC service system is given out on the analysis of BFP 125 boring tool situation and CNC characters. 本文通过对BFP1 2 5型落地镗床现状的分析 ,结合CNC(ComputerNumeralControl)系统的特点 ,提出了基于交流伺服系统 ,主轴智能马达控制器和PLC的控制方案。
- This machine is mainly used to peel log with small diameter ,it is main drive motor is AC motor or DC motor .which is determined by the user themselves. 本机主要适用于小径木旋切,主传动电机可根据用户要求配备交流电机或直流电机。
- Webcam of the deck and back yard at our home on Cotton Mill Drive in Woodbridge VA. 我们家甲板和后院的网络摄像头,在弗吉尼亚州伍德布里奇的棉纺厂机房。
- Repair of damper-bar failure of main drive motor in rolling mill 轧钢主传动电机阻尼条故障的修复
- ABB's delivery includes six complete gearless mill drive systems: two 22 megawatt (MW) systems and four 14 MW systems. ABB的交付范围包括六套完整的无齿轮磨机驱动系统,两个22兆瓦的系统以及四个14兆瓦的系统。
- Digital ampere meter showing load in percent of max load of drive motor. 数字电流表以最大载荷百分比的方式显示了实际载荷的大小。
- The large axial fan with exterior drive motor draws the air out of the space. 外部电机驱动的大型轴流风扇排出试验箱内的空气。
- Trouble-shooting on main drive motor vibration of the mill 轧机主传动电机振动故障处理
- ABB's gearless mill drive systems will significantly improve the plant's capacity, adding 600,000 tons of ore to the 385,000 tons processed each month now. ABB的无齿轮传动磨机系统将大大改善该厂的产量,在现每月处理38万5千吨的基础上再增加60万吨的矿石。
- ABB will deliver two gearless mill drive systems to help run the ore-grinding equipment at Anglo Platinum's mill in Mokopane, about 280 kilometers north-east of Johannesburg. ABB将提供两个无齿轮传动磨机系统,以帮助AngloPlatinum距离约翰内斯堡东北280公里的Mokopane工厂的矿石粉磨设备运转。
- A master control unit drives a selsyn transmitter from the drive motor. 由主动单元的驱动电动机带动一个自动同步机传感器。
- The cohesive shaft coupler, a new device with its unique character is widely applied in 4 wheel drive motor vehicles. 粘性联轴器这一新装置以其独有的特性在四轮驱动汽车上得到广泛应用。
- ABB invented and delivered the world's first gearless mill drive system in 1969, which is still operating with its original converter, providing cost-effective, energy-efficient performance with proven long-term reliability. ABB公司在1969年发明并推出了全球第一款无齿轮传动磨机系统,目前仍然保持其原来的转换器运作着,并通过其长期的可靠性提供了高成本效益的、高能效的性能。
- Because of the excellent performance of the Brushless Permanent Magnet Motor, it has become the main choice of the Driving motor with artifical hearts axial flow blood pump. 而由于永磁无刷直流电动机所具有的优良特性,使得它成为轴流式血泵驱动电机的主要选择。
- The simplest method is through the use of a synchronous drive motor connecting both picture viewer and sound reproducer. 最简单的方法是用同步电机将图象观察器和声音重放器连接起来。
- Domestically, our staff maintains close relationships with main mills such as WISCO, Tangshan Steel, Jinan Steel, Laiwu Steel, etc., and steel stockist, traders and end users. 在国内,我们的员工与国内各主要钢厂如武钢,唐钢,济钢,莱钢以及钢材经销商保持着密切的合作关系。
- With this information, control can send speed up or slow down commands to the disc drive motor. 根据这些信息,控制系统可以向盘片驱动系统发送提速或降速的指令。