- main frequency power 主频功率
- Antistatic 50W high frequency power quick clean. 防静电50W高频功率,清洗效果显著。
- Purpose: Audio frequency power amplifier applications. 用途:用于音频功率放大。
- Purpose:Low frequency power amplifier,medium speed switching applications . 用途:用于低频功率放大及中速开关。
- The combustion cycle is the main reason of both cutting waviness and main frequency of optical signal. 结果表明,燃烧循环理论不仅是切割面波纹形成的主要因素,也是光信号主频产生的主要原因。
- SMGA can align a data set of average length 5M of 9 enterobacterial genomic sequences in about 35min on a PC whose main frequency is 2.8G. SMGA在一台主频2.;8G的PC机上完成平均长度约5M的9条有机菌基因组的多重比对的时间大约为35min。
- The investigation of the radio frequency power amplifier based on SDR promotes the development of SDR. 基于软件无线电的射频功率放大器的研究能为软件无线电的发展起推动作用;
- The results show that the main frequency of the acoustic signal increases with the shape change of the ripple spring located under the slot wedge. 研究表明在波纹板的弹性范围内,随着波纹板形变量的加大,测得的声信号能量谱图中主频率值逐渐增加。
- The theory of low frequency power supply and the characteristics of lowfrequency power source generator are introduced. 介绍了低频供电的原理及低频电源发生器的特点。
- Then the graph of the changes of group and energy velocity with the length of cutoff region and the main frequency of the wave packet is received. 计算了波包穿越势垒的群速和能量速度,得到群速和能速与截止区长度的关系图,以及群速与激励源的工作频率的关系图。
- All the work above was very significant in applying FEAs to radio frequency power devices and field emission displays. 研究结果对于该阴极在射频功率和平板显示等器件上的应用有著重要的意义。
- When melting cast iron f or rollers in main frequency induction furnace,the recarburization of the molte n iron could be effectively achieved by using new types of recarburizer. 用工频电炉熔炼铸铁轧辊时,采用新型增碳剂可以有效地解决铁液的增碳问题。
- The medium frequency power supply of induction heating is one of solid state supplies which is composed of the high-power thyristors. 晶闸管中频感应电源是一种由大功率晶闸管元件组成的静止式电源,它将工频三相电源经整流、逆变转换成单相中频交流输出,应用于感应加热。
- To realize the linear transmitter, the digital pre-distortion technique is used to linearize the radio frequency power amplifier. 为了实现线性发射机的设计要求,论文选用数字预失真技术实现射频功率放大器的线性化。
- A new kind of thvristor medium frequency power source is introduced,including the structure,the fundamentals and characteristics of its contravariant circuit. 在分析一般晶闸管中频电源的基础上,介绍一种新型的晶闸管中频感应加热炉。着重阐述其逆变电路的电路结构、工作原理及工作特点。
- Power by adjusting the frequency of the cost after the investment than the unadjusted frequency power invested 35.43 percent less, this is only the buyout price. 通过调整工频功率后的造价投入资金要比未调整工频功率少投入资金35.;43%25,这只是买断价。
- Y. Hatanaka, “Zero-Current-Switching High Frequency Inverter With Constant Frequency Power Control,” Power Conversion Conference, Yokohama, No. 19-21, Apr. 1993, pp. 265-270. 黄少崴,“新型零电流切换脉波宽度调变蓄电池充电器”,昆山科技大学电机工程系硕士论文,2005年。
- It is indicated that the grid space has a function of low-pass filter, so the main frequency component of the hypocenter should be far away from the cut frequency to insure the accuracy of results. 研究还表明,剖分网格有低通滤波作用,因而在正演时应使激发源的主要频率远离网格的截止频率,以保证精度。
- When the length of cutoff region is so long or the main frequency is so high to approach the cutoff frequency, the main frequency of wave packet is so high to exceed the cutoff frequency. 电场频谱图显示波包的频谱明显上移,而且当截止区长度足够大时,或者输入波频率趋近于截止区截止频率时,波包的峰值频率甚至超过了截止区的截止频率。
- The cause of intermediate frequency power supply havig lower power factor was analyzed, and the way of improving the power factor of the controlled rectifying device was proposed. 分析了中频电源功率因数低的原因,提出了改善可控整流装置功率因数的方法。