- A form template can have only one main data connection. 一个表单模板只能包含一个主数据连接。
- The main data connection defines the main data source of the form. 主数据连接定义表单的主数据源。
- This paper analyzes the main data structure of NTFS. 文章分析了NTFS文件系统的主要数据结构。
- You can only add fields or groups to the root group in the main data source. 只能向主数据域中的根组添加域或组。
- An XML Schema describes the structure for storing data in the main data source of the form. XML架构描述了用于在表单的主数据源中存储数据的结构。
- You can define only one query data connection as the main data connection for a form template. 只能将一个查询数据连接定义为表单模板的主数据连接。
- The structure of the external data source then defines the main data source for the form. 然后,外部数据源的结构将定义表单的主数据源。
- You can, however, add fields or groups to the root field in the main data source. 但是,您可以在主数据源的根域中添加域或组。
- None of the data fields in the main data source of the form can store a large binary data type. 表单主数据源中的所有数据域都不能存储大型二进制类型的数据。
- All of the tables in the main data connection must contain a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index. 主数据连接中的所有表都必须包含一个主键、唯一约束或唯一索引。
- The main data source for the form is then defined by the structure and properties of the database or Web service. 然后通过数据库或Web服务的结构和属性来定义表单的主数据源。
- Frequency method and Bayesian method are the two main data mining algorithms used in pharmacovigilance nowadays. 目前各国普遍使用的数据挖掘方法主要有频数法与贝叶斯法。
- If InfoPath disables the submit data connection, the main data connection for your form template will have only a query data connection. 如果InfoPath禁用了提交数据连接,您的表单模板的主数据连接将只有一个查询数据连接。
- However, the external data source used in the main data connection may not have the values that you want to put in the controls on the form template. 但是,主数据连接中使用的外部数据源可能没有您想要放置在表单模板上的控件中的值。
- You can also design a form template based on an external data source, which in turn defines the structure of the main data source. 还可以基于外部数据源设计表单模板,这将接下来定义主数据源的结构。
- You can disable the submit data connection in the main data connection if you want users to submit their form data through a different data connection. 如果您希望用户通过其他数据连接提交其表单数据,则可以在主数据连接中禁用提交数据连接。
- You can select multiple database tables and establish table relationships just as you would for the main data connection. 您可以选择多个数据库表并建立表关系,就像对主数据连接执行的操作一样。
- Under Data source structure, clear the check boxes for the fields that you do not want to include in the main data source. 在“数据源结构”下,清除所有不希望包含在主数据源中的字段的复选框。
- A form can have one primary data connection, called the main data connection, and it can optionally have one or more secondary data connections. 表单可以包含一个主要数据连接,称为主数据连接,还可以选择性地包含一个或多个辅助数据连接。
- When a form based on this form template uses the main data connection, InfoPath creates a query by using the data in the query fields. 当基于该表单模板的表单使用主数据连接时,InfoPath将通过使用查询域中的数据来创建查询。