- Telegraph wires radiate like cobwebs from the main building. 电报线像蜘蛛网似地由主楼向四面八方伸展。
- Reception is in the main building. 接待处在主楼。
- There are many trees in front of the main building. 主楼前面有许多树。
- Could you say something about the main building? 请阐述一下主楼的情况好吗?
- The main building of the temple is Qiniandian. 祈年殿为天坛的主要建筑。
- City gatehouse into the main building and wing. 大城门楼分为主楼和侧楼。
- But the main building remained unimproved. 但是主体建筑仍未做改善。
- The lecture hall is detached from the main building. 讲演厅与主楼分开。
- A building separate from but associated with a main building. 附属的房屋与主要建筑物相关连但却独立的房屋
- Our lab is in Building Four and theirs is in the Main Building. 我们的实验室在四号楼,他们的实验室在主楼。
- The main building of our university is in ancient Gothic style. 我们大学里的主教学楼属于古老歌德式类型。
- She hoped it was the main building, burning to the ground. 她希望是主宅着火,烧成灰烬。
- The annex has been built on to the main building. 主楼配建有附属的建筑物。
- The position of storehouse is just opposite to that of the main building. 仓库的位置正好同主楼的位置相对。
- Visitors are asked to please park their cars away from the main building. 要求客人们请比他们的汽车停在离开主楼的地方。
- We decided to cover in the passage between the main building and the annex. 我们决定在主楼和建筑物之间的过道上加盖屋顶。
- The main building are the use of fly rafter brackets, elegant shape. 主体建筑均使用斗拱飞椽,造形美观大方。
- The Expo consists of4 main buildings and3 characteristic scenes. 本届世园会有四大主题建筑,三大特色景观。
- The main building of kiyomizu Tera was built of wood. 清水寺的大殿是由无数的杉木架设在一处悬崖边。
- Carpenters working in the main building have put up scaffolds for renovation purposes. 主楼的木工们为了装修而搭建了脚手架。