- An analytic mind; an analytic approach. 善于分析的头脑; 分析方法
- main analytic approach 主成分分析法
- Pai S T. Analytic approach to glow discharge theory: the physical model [J]. J.Appl.Phys. , 1992, 71(12): 5820. 郭小明;周庭东;白秀庭.;辉光放电等离子体理论模型的建立[J]
- How do we develop analytical approach? 我们如何发展一个分析性的方法?
- Frequency analytic approach is suitable to groundwater resource evaluation with long series spring flow. 频率分析法适用于具有长系列的泉水流量观测资料的泉域的水资源评价。
- Here, this paper is offered as a preliminary probe into a study on pun translation through a categorically analytic approach. 本文尝试着通过分类分析的方法对双关语翻译的一些问题做了初步探索和研究。
- Based on the highest of the data integration module of data warehouse, the requirement of nine main analytic subjects of the BASS are researched and analyzed, and the functions are designed in the paper. 论文工作基于已经设计完成的数据仓库模块的最高层聚合数据展开,对经营分析系统的九大分析主题的需求内容进行了调研和分析,对要完成的功能进行了设计。
- According to the analytic approach of the Functional Perspective of the Prague School, a sentence can be broken down into two parts: theme and rheme. 根据该分析方法的功能的角度来看,布拉格学派,一个句子可以分解成两部分:主题和述位。
- Such as PEST method, models of five competition forces, EFE matrix, fuzzy analytic approach of the core competence, SWOT analysis, QSPM analysis etc. 通过分析,文中得出时代科技股份有限公司应采取差异化竞争战略,并在此基础上尽可能降低成本,使企业走可持续发展的道路。
- With the law of documents and materials and logic analytic approach, it put forward the Concept of "the competitive sports operation" in its own understanding. 摘要主要运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,从技术经济学的角度对“体育赛事运营”概念提出自己的理解;
- It should not exist in an efficient market that investor can win super-profit through using the technological analytic approach to analyze historical message of the stock price. 这令投资者可通过运用技术分析法,分析股价的历史信息而获得超额利润,这不是在一个有效率市场中应该存在的。
- Chinese medicinal materials quality was controlled mainly by modern analytic approach, secondly by traditional identification method, popularizing based on improvement. 中药材质量控制应以现代分析方法为主、传统鉴定方法为辅,在提高的基础上兼顾普及;
- Instead of both approaches, neurogram is used as a main analytical tool in this paper for identifying musical chords. 相对于这两者,本文提出使用神经图来做为判别音乐和弦的主要分析工具。
- Describe an investigatory and analytical approach to the clinical encounter. 描述临床表现的研究和分析方法?
- Adopt the sliding average value method, curve model method in the analytic approach of the array of time, the secular trend of the sales amount of FTM company through calculating annual rate of increase is determined. 采用时间序列分析法中的滑动平均值法、曲线模型法,通过计算年增长率来进行FTM公司销售额的长期趋势测定。
- An analytic approach expression is developed showing that the frequency response bandwidth is influenced by the SOA injected current,optical input power and the conversion wavelength. 结果表明,波长转换的频带响应宽度受到光放大器驱动电流、波导中的光功率以及转换波长的影响。
- Four main analytical methods are identified in this paper: morphotectonic framework analysis, morphotectonic figure analysis, related sediment analysis and morphotectonic chronology analysis. 其分析方法可归纳为构造地貌格局分析法、构造地貌形态分析法、构造地貌相关沉积分析法和构造地貌年代分析法。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影响发展的主要障碍是缺乏资本。
- Their contributions were trivial compared to what the Continentals were able to achieve using the analytical approach. 他们的贡献和大陆上的人用分析方法所能得到的东西比起来是微不足道的。
- Crowds thronged the main square of the city. 城里的大广场上挤满了人群。