- The results indicate that though the strength of the AAC block islow, the AAC block wall can be used as load bearing wall of multistory buildingstructural system with better ductility. 分析结果表明,虽然蒸压加气混凝土砌块的强度比较低,抗剪强度略小,但该种墙体的延性较好,可以用于低层住宅结构体系的承重墙体。
- Where such columns etc. are spaced at close intervals, it is often more practical to provide a continuous concrete strip foundation to carry a complete row, as is done for load bearing walls. 在这些独立柱间隔密集的地方,柱下应设置条形基础以承受整排柱子传下来的荷载,就象承重墙下的条形基础一样。
- non load bearing wall 非承重墙
- load bearing wall 承重墙
- Compared to the computation results of AVL,tbe strength of the main bearing wall is enough and the structure of the wall is safe. 对比AVL公司的计算结果,本柴油机的主轴承壁的结构是安全可靠的。
- There would be jetties outside the main wall for ships bringing supplies. 主墙外边将有供停靠运送供应品的船只用的码头。
- Unique 3 point load bearing design for smooth operation. 独特的3点负载支撑结构,有利于平稳运行。
- Underpinning beam should be designed before the bearing wall removed in brick wall load structure. 砖混结构建筑物拆除承重墙,需进行墙体托换的加固设计。
- Full is my tears, load bearing I is being brokenhearted. 满是我的泪水,承载着我心碎。
- Its itself is the independent market main body, meanwhile the load bearing the special mission which serves for the farmer and the countryside community. 基本身是独立的市场主体,同时还承载着为农民和农村社区服务的特殊使命,即农民合作经济组织不仅是农村经济与社会可持续发展的重要主体力量。
- The swirling waters continue to batter the coast just moments after the main wall of water has hit. 在如水墙一般的大海啸袭击之后,巨大的海洋漩涡继续在海岸边肆虐。
- The main wall rock alterations of the Kangshan goldfield are silication,sericitization,carbonicacidation and pyritization. 康山金矿田围岩蚀变主要为硅化、绢云母化、碳酸盐化及黄铁矿化。
- A will lesser room changes do enter type cloakroom, and the blame among two rooms main wall is destroyed, with double open hinge door to come space. 将较小的一间房改做步入式衣帽间,并且将两房中间的非承重墙打掉,用双开合页门来分隔。
- The main factors causing the failure of the reinforced plastic fiberglass sucker rod lie in product quality, manufacturing technology, load bearing, well conditions, operation, transportation and storage. 影响玻璃钢抽油杆失效的主要因素包括材料质量、制造工艺、承受载荷、井况、作业施工、运输和储存等几个方面。
- Want to make small family house " greaten " , the directest way removes needless blame main wall namely, enlarge daylighting. 想要使小户型的房子“变大”,最直接的办法就是拆除不必要的非承重墙,扩大采光。
- To the house that builds in recent years, the will install clean to provide namely metope that should affirm above all is main wall or blame main wall. 对于近年来新建的房子,首先要确认的就是将要安装洁具的墙面是承重墙还是非承重墙。
- The result of experimental study shows that concrete solid brick masonry has higher compression bearing capacity and crack will not accrue under normal service load so it can be a new bearing wall material substitute for clay brick. 试验研究结果表明,混凝土普通砖砌体具有较高的受压承载力,在正常的使用状态下不会出现裂缝,可成为替代黏土砖的一种新型承重墙体材料。
- If be overhead suspension large wall lamp, consider weight even, some festive lantern heft 5 jins, be not the problem that main wall can appear to be installed hard. 假如是悬挂式大型壁灯,则还要考虑到重量,有些花灯重达5斤,非承重墙会出现难以安装的问题。
- The load bearing part of a structure, in exhibition work usually a box-like timber frame. 结构的承重部分,在展览业务中通常指箱形的木头框架。
- Mylonite schist and granite are the main wall rocks of Tanjianshan gold deposit in Qinghai Province,and granitic rocks play an important role in the formation of gold deposit. 通过对青海滩间山金矿花岗质岩石的岩石化学、稀土元素和铅同位素研究,证明了和金矿有关的花岗质岩浆源于加里东期基性超基性岩的部分熔融或同源玄武岩分离结晶。