- The main hall of a Buddhist Temple 寺庙中供奉主佛的厅堂
- Cheap and quiet accommodation is available for visitors to Thailand's upcoming international horticultural show, but some may find it too quiet, the lodgings are in the funeral hall of a Buddhist temple. 在即将到来的2006泰国世界园艺博览会上,游客们可以找到价格便宜且环境幽静的住处,但这些住处或许幽静得有些阴森可怕,因为它们位于一座寺庙的停尸房中。
- The main hall of the temple is so imposing! 这个佛寺的大殿建造得真气派!
- There are three Buddhas in the main hall of the temple. 大殿上塑着三尊佛。
- The main hall of our county will give us justice. 我们县的正堂会为我们做主的!
- In front of the main hall of the temple stands another tall tree, known as the Cypress for Hanging Armor. 最北边坐落着大殿,大殿前不有一株高大的古柏,叫“挂甲柏”。
- Grand, magnificent and modest, the main hall of Pudu Temple claims its uniqueness in Beijing through its distinctive architectural style of Manchu. 普度寺大殿宏伟、壮丽、古朴,专家说,带有如此鲜明满族风格的建筑在北京是极少见的。
- Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism and the father of the Land of Saha or the Earth of Reality, is the most-enshrined image in the Hall of Mahavira (Great Hero) of the Buddhist temple. 佛祖释迦牟尼释迦牟尼是佛教始祖,娑婆世界(即现实世界)的教主。是佛教寺院大雄宝殿必须供奉的佛像。
- Pilu of the Central Hall of the Buddha on the stage is a Buddhist tablets of Lord Buddha's Benzun Vairochana (Hindi, which means a bright shine), it is known as the Pilu Temple Monastery. 毗卢殿中央佛台上供奉的是佛教的本尊主佛毗卢遮那(印度语,意为光明普照),故该寺称为毗卢寺。
- The temple is ghastly, you will feel horrified even if you just stand before the main hall of the temple. 这座寺庙给人感觉阴森森的,站在大殿前都觉得恐怖。
- In the main hall of this temple, giant iral9 jo- sticks10 hang from the ceiling, raining small piles of ash on the heads of visitors. 在这个观音堂的主厅内,巨大的螺旋形的香从天花板上垂吊着,它的灰烬落下来,一些落到了观光者的头上。
- Big Yuantong Hall is the main hall of Puji Temple.Similar with Great Buddha's Hall in normal temple Yuantong is the byname of Avalokitesvara who is worshiped in this hall. 大圆通殿是普济寺的主殿,相当一般寺庙的大雄宝殿,圆通是观音菩萨的别号,这座殿供奉的正是观音菩萨。
- He won a lasting place in the actor's Hall of Fame. 他在演剧界享有无可动摇的地位。
- Bao Linsi is the Tang Dynasty Yuci temple, the history of the scale of some giant, is a rehabilitation of Main Hall, the Hall of Heavenly Kings, the three Temple, King House, and so many. 宝林寺是唐代御赐寺院,历史上规模颇巨,现复建有大雄宝殿、天王殿、三圣殿、多景楼等。
- In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor . 在英国的一个大学里一位教授坐在演讲大厅里。
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Main Hall of Chuzu Convent in Shaolin Temple 少林寺初祖庵大殿
- The growing apex or main shoot of a shrub or tree. 顶枝灌木或乔木的生长顶端或主要新梢
- Main Hall of the Tianning Temple 天宁寺大殿
- Will you partake of a drink with us? 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?