- The main goal of WBS is to reduce the resource usage. 它主要是要减少资源的使用量,以达到减少资源的目的。
- The main goal of the National Geographic Society still is to increase knowledge about geography and spread that knowledge around the world. 国家地理学会的主要目标仍然是增长人们的地理知识,在世界范围内传播地理知识。
- The main goal of recovery of sodium hydroxide was the economies due to the high replacement cost of this chemical. 回收氢氧化纳的主要目的是在经济方面,因为它大大补偿了化学药剂消耗费用。
- The main goal of a Java test client is to invoke a method on the Java proxy at run-time. Java测试客户程序的主要目的是在运行时调用Java代理上的方法。
- The main goal of defining business functions is limiting interactions between domains to well-defined points. 定义业务功能的主要目的是限制域之间的交互。
- The main goal of most data mining projects is to use a mining model to create predictions. 大多数数据挖掘项目的主要目标是使用挖掘模型来创建预测。
- The main goal of most data mining projects is to use mining models to create predictions for new data. 大多数数据挖掘项目的主要目标是使用挖掘模型为新数据创建预测。
- The main goal of our services and framework contributions is to make studying a success. 伴随着我们的服务,我们希望能为学生成功在这里学习作出点贡献。
- The main goal of this project is trying to attract Chinese tourists come and visit the city of Haarlem. 此项目的主要目的是致力于如何吸引中国游客观光哈勒姆。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- The main goal of this paper is to provide a measuring method for pulverized coal concentration using blender. 提出了利用煤粉混合器测量煤粉浓度的测量方法,介绍了煤粉浓度测量的数学模型。
- As a pictorial magazine, it has been the main goal of Sinorama to get the best press photos possible. 身为一本画报杂志,光华一直以拍摄好的新闻图片为目标;
- The main goal of the Structorian project is to be for data what IDA (Interactive Disassembler) is for code. 主要目标的structorian项目是要为数据什么开发协会(互动disassembler )是为代码。
- The main goal of this stage was to verify that ROME hardware would survive unforgiving industrial environments. 的主要目标这一阶段是核实罗马硬件将生存无情的工业环境。
- They went in fear of attack by marauding bands. 他们提心吊胆生怕遭到劫匪的袭击。
- The main goal of education at the junior college levels is to develop professional talent in the areas of research, creativity and performance. 能,二专阶段则以培养研究、创新、演出之专业人才为主要目标。
- Second, absence of a main direction of attack. 二是没有主攻方向。
- The main goal of the project is to specify system architecture for open control systems, which is manufacturer independent. 项目的主要目标是规定独立于生产厂商的开放控制系统的系统体系。
- The main goal of the toilet modernization in rural areas is to prevent and control the propagation of the verminous and intestinal infectious affection. 农村改厕的主要目的是预防、控制肠道传染病和寄生虫病的传播。
- The main goal of the HUNT project is to develop a tool for exploiting well-known weaknesses in the TCP/IP protocol suite. hunt项目的主要目的是为利用TCP/IP协议站点的众所周知的弱点来开发一个工具。