- For laying in doors, in tunnels and in cable trench, able to bare external mechanical forces and certain puling force. 室内、隧道、电缆沟、竖井等能承受机械外力和一定拉力的场所。
- In tunnel, cable trench, well or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces and certain pulling force. 隧道、电缆沟、竖井或埋地敷设等,能承受机械外力和一定的拉力。
- Inspection main cable installation for wheel house before paneling decoration. 敷板前驾驶室检查主干电缆安装。
- For laying indoors, in tunnel or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces. 室内、隧道及电缆沟内等场所,不能承受机械外力。
- Each main cable contains 26 thousand four hundred and seventy-four wires. 每一根主绳索由26,747根单线组成。
- In tunnel or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces. Single- core cable in magnetic duct is not permissible. 隧道及电缆等场所,不能承受机械外力。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。
- In tunnel, cable trench, well or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces and Determinate pulling force. 隧道、电缆沟、竖井或埋地敷设等,能承受一定的机械外力和一定的拉力。
- In tunnel, in cable trench or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 隧道、电缆沟内或埋地敷设等,能承受一定的机械外力,但不能承受大的拉力。
- Each main cable of the GW Bridge can withstand the pull of a hundred and eighty million pounds. 每根主绳索能经受180,000,000磅的重量。
- In tunnels or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces.Singlecore cable in magnetic duct is not permissible. 隧道及电缆沟等场所,不能承受机械外力。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。
- For laying in,in tunnels and in cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces. Single core cable in magnetic duct is not permissible. 室内、隧道及电缆沟等不能承受机械外力的场所。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。
- For laying indoors,in tunnels or cable trench, unable to bear external mechanical forces. Singlecore cable in magnetic duct is not permissible. 室内、隧道及电缆沟等场所,不能承受机械外力。单芯电缆不允许敷设在磁性管道中。
- For laying indoors. In tumnnel, cable trench, or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces. But unable to bear large pulling force. 隧道。电缆沟内,或埋地敷设等,能承受一定机械外力,但不能承受大的拉力。
- The shape and dimension of main cable and wind cable will change with the position and distribution of loads. 主索和抗风索的形状和尺寸将随荷载的大小、位置和分布规律等的不同而改变。
- For laying in doors, in tunnels, in cable trench or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 室内、隧道、电缆沟内或埋地等能承受机械外力的场所,但不能承受大的拉力。
- Galvanized wire for suspension bridge cable includes main cable, sling and winding package steel wire. 悬索桥缆索用镀锌钢丝包括主缆钢丝、吊索钢丝和绕包钢丝。
- For laying in doors,intunnels and in cable trench, able to berar external mechanical forces, but unale to bear large pulling force. 室内、隧道、电缆沟等能承受机械外力的场所,但不能承受大的压力。
- In data communications, a network topology in which workstations are connected by T junctions to one main cable. 数据通信技术中的一种网络拓扑结构,其中各个工作站通过T型接头与主电缆相连。
- For laying in doors、intunnels and in cable trench, able to berar external mechanical forces, but unale to bear large pulling force. 室内、隧道、电缆沟等能承受机械外力的场所,但不能承受大的压力。
- For laying indoors, in tunnel, in cable trench or direct in ground, able to bear external mechanical forces, but unable to bear large pulling force. 室内。隧道。电缆沟内或埋地敷设等,能承受一定的机械外力,但不能承受大的拉力。