- A heavy-duty magnetic stirrer, such as Cole-Parmer model is needed during the fluorination. 在氟化过程中需要用一架大功率的电磁搅拌器。
- For retrieving magnetic stirrer bars from most liquids. Contains a powerful magnet sealed in at one end. Good chemical resistance and heat resistance. 因其端点有强力之磁铁,故可从液体中吸附磁性搅拌子,并取出液面。英文简述:
- The bioleaching process of marmatite concentrate by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is investigated in a magnetic stirring reactor in batch experiments. 采用磁搅拌反应器研究铁闪锌矿精矿的生物浸出过程。
- The equi pmen t is optical fiber electrode, which is equiped with magnetic stirrer, it has hig her sensitivity and stability than other nephelometers. 实验设备采用光导纤维电极,且配有电磁搅拌装置,较其它比浊法具有较高的灵敏度和稳定性。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
- Now, stir the beaten eggs in the milk. 现在把打好的鸡蛋搅拌进牛奶。
- The instrument is composed of Mariotte constant current titrator, digital quartz timer, colorimetric titration controller, instantaneous titration controller and magnetic stirrer. 报道了一种新型数字滴定仪,它由马利奥特恒流器、石英计时器、目视滴定控制器、瞬时滴定控制器和磁力搅拌器构成。
- Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping. 把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。
- The device of rotating comprises a container, a lip of plural holes and a gas gate, a stirring bar and a magnetic stirrer and a pH probe connected to a pH meter. 每个搅拌溶出装置,包含一个样品搅拌容器、一个含洩气阀与多孔装置之密封盖、一固定支架、两个螺帽、一个培轮装置、一根搅拌棒、一颗搅拌磁石、一个磁搅拌器、一根酸碱值探针、以及一个酸碱值测定仪。
- The oatmeal lumps if you don't stir it well. 如果你不好好搅拌,麦片粥会结块。
- His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd. 他讲的话是有意鼓动群众的。
- The news made a big stir among the colonists. 这个消息在殖民地居民中引起了轰动。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- Stir the coffee to settle the grounds. 把咖啡搅一搅好让渣滓沉淀。
- Stir the flour and milk to a stiff paste. 把面粉和牛奶搅成很稠的糊。
- The nitrogen atmosphere below magnetic stirring is to do poly reaction.After the reaction is over, methylbenzene is added, after filtrating, filter residue is washed by methyl alcohol repeatedly. 反应结束后,加入甲苯溶解后过滤,滤渣部分反复用甲醇洗涤,真空干燥得到壳聚糖-接枝-聚己内酯。
- One who advocates or attempts to stir up war. 好战份子大肆宣传或欲鼓动起战争的人
- A magnetic stirring production of poly tetrafluoroethane (commonly known as mixing son, mixing of tetrafluoroethylene), stirring rods and accessories of the professional equipment manufacturers. 它是以生产聚四氟磁性搅拌子(俗称搅拌子、四氟搅拌子)、搅拌棒等实验仪器配件的专业厂家。
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。