- magnetic sound film projector 磁性还音放映机
- stationary sound film projector 固定式有声电影放映机
- optical sound film projector 光学还音放映机
- portable sound film projector 移动式有声电影放映机
- There are some problems with this film projector. 这台电影放映机出了些问题。
- sound film projector 有声电影放映机
- Projection Speed: The rate at which the film moves through the projector; twenty-four frames per second is the standard for all sound films. 放映速度:电影胶片通过放映机的速度;有声影片的标准速度为每秒24格影像。
- Burn--- where a film can be frozen at a chosen frame, as if jammed in a film projector. 模拟电影单帧冻结。
- When ace says this word, certain the affection deep feeling and deeply regret through abounding magnetic sound is communicated incisively and vividly. 高手说这句话时,一定将深情与痛惜之情通过富于磁性的声音传达得淋漓尽致。
- Dongfeng brand FG35mm film projector series,dome screen,spherical film projector and related complete set equipment. 东风FG35毫米电影放映机系列产品、环幕、环幕电影放映机及电影放映配套设备的生产制造与经营。
- In 1908, a Baltimore bank teller named Frank Durkee took to wandering the streets with a hand-cranked film projector and a roll-up muslin screen. 1908年,一位名叫弗兰克 - 德基的巴尔的摩银行出纳员带着手动电影放映机和可卷式平纹银幕,开始走街串巷放电影。
- The sound film seasonable and lived along with the technical development and audience's need. 有声电影随着技术的发展和观众的需要应时而生了。
- A cherrywood tower stands out from the glowing white interior and incorporating all of the services for studio-refrigerator, cooker, sink, washing machine and film projector. 樱花木制的塔式装饰物在辉煌的白房间里鹤立鸡群,与工作室里所有的摆放的物品(如冰箱、炊具、水池、洗衣机以及电影放映机)融合在一起。
- This payment until 20 years specializing in the production of speaker accessories - Shielded, vibration plate, the sound film, ASSY experience. 讫今为止已有20年专业生产扬声器配件--防尘盖、振动板、音膜、ASSY的经验。
- In 2000 to open branch in China, Huizhou is the dust cover, vibration plate, the sound film, ASSY set the development, production, sales. 于2000年在中国惠州开设分厂,是防尘盖、振动板、音膜、ASSY集开发、生产、销售为一体。
- In nearby buildings, more-experienced resistance fighters are taught commando tactics by ex-Army officers, using large wall maps and a film projector to show footage of anti-Soviet guerrilla operations. 在临近的房屋室内,经验多一点的抵抗战士由旧军官讲授突击战术,并配以大幅挂图和使用放映机放映反苏游击战役的纪录影片。
- magnetic sound amplifying stethoscope 磁声放大听诊器
- Some ahd ugly voices and others just couldn't act in the more natural sound films! 有些人嗓音太糟,另一些人在更为自然的有声电影中就是不会演戏!
- Oscar receipt Ray Feeney says Hollywood is undergoing a change as a * the shape from silent to sound films, or from black and white to color. 只是还是学不会装腔作势。我要满足你的所有高尚。不需要布阵。从小在一起,很多很多年的不相见。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。