- A ticket that contains only printed information and does not have a magnetic stripe. 只含有印刷信息但不带有磁条的一种证券。
- The equipment necessary to clone a magnetic stripe card is cheap and readily available. 克隆磁条卡所需的设备很便宜并且容易得到。
- Sorry, there is something wrong with the magnetic stripe (bar code). It must be replaced. Please borrow it next time. 对不起,该书磁条(条码)有问题,须更换,请下次再借。
- Zhongqing s magnetic stripe reader of the source, using interrupt mode, very good! 中青公司的磁条读卡器的源码,采用中断方式,非常好!
- Bank card EMV migration refers to the traditional magnetic stripe bank cards bank cards to the smart chip (IC card) of the technology upgrade. 银行卡EMV迁移是指由传统的磁条银行卡向智能芯片银行卡(IC卡)的技术升级。
- In access control, a unique alphanumeric code used to identify a individual, usually in combination with a physical token,such as a magnetic stripe card. The token is entered into an appropriate computer/com munication terminal to effect a transaction. 在存取控制中,一种用以确定某个人的具有唯一的字母数字码。通常与某种物理标志(如磁卡)联合使用。将该物理标志输入适当的计算机通信终端以产生某种作用。
- The first project commenced in October 2008 in Indonesia, with projects in Taiwan and India to follow, and involved the conversion of the Bank’s traditional magnetic stripe cards to EMV cards. 首个项目已于2008年10月在印尼启动,台湾和印度的项目将紧跟其后,项目涉及将该银行的传统磁条卡转换成EMV卡。
- Magnetic stripe A small length of magnetic tape that is adhered to ledger cards, badges and credit cards. Magnetic stripes are read by specialized readers only. 附贴于分类账卡,职员証及信用卡上的窄身磁条。只有专用的阅读器,才可阅读磁条。
- Bank Cards - Magnetic Stripe Content for Track 3 银行卡。磁道3的磁条内容
- Consume about magnetic stripe card 关于贵公司需要的磁卡消费软件说明
- magnetic stripe card interface controller 磁条卡接口控制器
- John lost a stripe for being rude on parade. 约翰因在检阅时鲁莽失礼被降了一级。
- Reversals of the field give rise to a series of magnetic stripes running parallel to the axis of the rift. 磁场的逆转形成一系列与断层轴线平行的条形磁区。
- magnetic stripe accounting machine 磁条会计机
- I need one without stripe, please. 我需要没有条纹的。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- His brother is a politician of the worst stripe. 他的兄弟属于最不入流的政客。
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- Magnetic stripe domains in coupled magnetic sandwiches 自旋转向相变中的条纹磁畴研究
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。