- magnesia borosilicate glass 硼硅酸镁玻璃
- The radiation was filtered either by borosilicate glass or by quartz. 辐射光源或用硼硅酸盐玻璃或用石英过滤。
- UHP Projector lamps are made of borosilicate glass and fused quartz. UHP投影机灯泡由硼硅酸盐玻璃和熔凝石英制成。
- We want to buy glass tubes made from borosilicate glass (Type1). ... 查看“冶金矿产-管件管材-其他”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- Effect of borosilicate glass dopant on electrical characteristics of ZnO varistors. 硼硅玻璃掺杂对ZnO压敏电阻器电性能的影响。
- And the cover outside and the cover of guide plate are made in heat-resistant borosilicate glass, all the electric elements with safety cut off switch. 外部盖子和内部导流板的帽子都用耐高温硼硅酸盐玻璃制成,所有电器元件都安装上保护切断。
- Lead and cadmium in printing inks for the application of enamels on borosilicate glass. 用于硼硅酸盐玻璃瓷漆的印墨所含的铅及镉。
- The effects of borosilicate glass dopant on the electronic properties of ZnO varistors are investigated. 研究结果表明,硼硅玻璃料的掺入超过一定量时会使压敏电场上升。
- ZnTiO3 and borosilicate glass were made by sol-gel method, and were mixed for co-firing at low temperature. 钛酸锌和硼矽酸盐玻璃粉末是以溶胶 -凝胶法制备,者混合进低温共烧。
- Especially,the flat borosilicate glass can be applied to solar cell glass,flat display glass and fireproofing glass. 尤其,硼硅酸盐平板玻璃可以应用于太阳能电池玻璃、平板显示器玻璃和防火玻璃。
- Material Characteristics: Optical quality glass, quartz glass, lead and cadmium free multi component silicate glass, or borosilicate glass or Plastics. 材料特性:光学质量级别的玻璃,石英玻璃,含有铅和镉的多元素硅酸盐玻璃或者硼硅酸盐玻璃。
- Pure hand-made glass products, materials of high borosilicate glass; Products can be customized according to customer demand for processing. 纯手工制作的玻璃工艺制品,材料高硼硅玻璃;产品可以按照客户的需求定做加工。
- Under the lower temperature, the tin adheres to very easily the borosilicate glass to under surface, and formation is stained with tin blemish. 在较低的温度下,锡就很容易附着在硼硅酸盐玻璃的下表面,形成沾锡缺陷。
- The borosilicate glass to carbon/carbon composite based carbon material has the good protection function at the high temperature. 硼硅酸盐玻璃在高温下对炭材料以及炭/炭复合材料具有较好保护作用。
- Pure handmade glass products, materials of high borosilicate glass, can be customized according to customer demand for processing. 纯手工玻璃工艺制品,材料高硼硅玻璃,可以按照客户的需求定做加工。
- The outer layer is made of extremely strong transparent borosilicate glass that is able to resist impact from hail up to 25mm in diameter. 最外层是的,极其强烈的透明硼硅玻璃,它能够抵御冲击,从冰雹多达25毫米的直径。
- The biodegradation and bioactivity of borosilicate glass powder were investigated in vitro method combined with XRD,SEM and ICP-AES techniques. 应用XRD、SEM及ICP-AES等对硼酸盐生物玻璃粉末在生理模拟液中的降解性能、生物活性等进行了测试分析。
- The front matter of this standard shall modify the use of oral bottle, YY0056-91 controln YBB vonsenite SI, low sodium-calcium borosilicate glass, control koufuye in bottle. 前 言 本标准修改采用YY0056-91 管制口服液瓶,YBB 硼硅、低硼硅、钠钙玻璃管制口服液体瓶标准。
- Flat tempered borosilicate glass, reflex or transparent type gauge glasses shall only be used when approved by SECCO. 经过热处理的硼硅酸盐平面玻璃、反射的或透明类型的玻璃液位计应只在赛科批准后使用。
- The sludge would at this point be added to the extracted cesium, and the mixture would be vitrified (turned into stable borosilicate glass logs) encased in stainless-steel canisters and then entombed. 这时,已经萃取出来的锶可以加到剩下的泥状物中,然后将混合物加热变成玻璃质(形成稳定的硼矽酸玻璃块),封装在不锈钢筒里,再埋入地下。