- Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts. 又不悔改他们那些凶杀,邪术,奸淫,偷窃的事。
- Magic arts atractylodes chinensis, Wugong unique skill, unprecedented bright now. 道法仙术,武功绝技,旷古烁今。
- Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 城外有那些犬类,行邪术的,淫乱的,杀人的,拜偶像的,并一切喜好说谎言编造虚谎的。
- That each calls him person that masters immortal not dead magic arts predecease, can you make sure your king is not dead how again? 那个自称掌握长生不死法术的人自己先死了,又怎能保证您大王不死呢?
- With food and drinks and cunning magic arts turning the channel's course to 'scape from death. The breeze which heaven has sent we must endure, and toil without complaining. 带着食物、酒和狡猾的魔术,蹑步通过狭道想逃脱一死,而天国送出来的微风,我们必须忍受,无抱怨地忙碌。
- And the delusions of their magic art were put down, and their boasting of wisdom was reproachfully rebuked. 他们的邪术尽失效力,他们夸耀的学识,全蒙耻受辱:
- Formed in the Song Dynasty ,the Thunder rites is a new type magic arts integrating the Taoism charm and the interior elixirs (neidan),under the new historical circumstance . 雷法,形成于两宋之际,是道教传统的符箓派在新的历史条件下,将原有的符咒之术与内丹功夫相结合,而推出的一种新型的道法。
- Horoscope is a magic art by using star phenomena knowledge to foresee the fortunes.It has several thousands of years history in China. 历代帝王都将星占作为自己政治统治的护身符,星占也是人们用星象知识预测社会祸福吉凶的一种法术,星占术在我国已有数千年的历史。
- Saint of the day reveres a set: May obtain the life value and the magic arts value upper limit increases 8%, defensive powers to promote 8%, striking power to promote 5% addition effect. “天之圣尊”一套:可得到生命值和法术值上限增加8%25 、防御力提升8%25、攻击力提升5%25的加成效果。
- Xu more members of the International Magicians Society, the Chinese member of the Magic Arts Council, the Chinese acrobatic artists, members of the Association, the Shanghai magician club members. 徐越是国际魔术师协会会员,中国魔术艺术委员会委员,中国杂技艺术家协会会员,上海魔术师俱乐部成员。
- The Taoism Taiyi Faction and its Taoism Magic Arts 道教太乙派及其道法考
- Both play with the sting of joylessness, trusting in the extreme power of their magical arts. 两者都信赖自己的极其强大的魔力。玩弄着哀感的芒刺;两者都以这种游戏来证实甚至有个“最坏的世界”。
- However, he is the greatest living Mage in this age of the world, and his mastery of the magical arts isunsurpassed by any other living creature. 然而他是这个时代最伟大的法师,他掌握着远比别人卓越的法术技巧。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- After the rain the corn shot up as if by magic. 雨后玉米苗像变魔术一般的长起来了。
- The child thought the toy car worked by magic. 这小孩认为这个玩具车是由魔力驱动的。
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。
- The magician is waving a magic wand. 魔术师在挥舞魔杖。
- Owing to my lack of tolerance for those who would use magic towards their own nefarious ends, many have assumed that I am averse to the practice of the magical arts on a philosophical level. 由于我无法容忍那些以魔法来达到他们自身邪恶目的的恶徒,有许多人已经对我在理智施法方面的反对观点表示质疑。在我看来,没有什么比真理更加遥不可及。
- "I consecrate and purify thee, creature of steel, by Divine authority, that thou may be a tool in my practice of the magical art and an extension of my will, so mote it be. 接下来点燃香精;把魔杖带过燃烧香精时冒出来的烟;视觉化魔杖上不纯静的东西全都随著烟飘走.;当然,其他的物品,可以根据这个方法改动!