- Challenge; The Magazine of Economic Affairs. 挑战;经济事务杂志。
- Blade and handle are the component parts of knife. 刀身和刀柄是一把刀的组成部分。
- Mince shrimp with back of knife. 1以刀背剁碎虾角。
- magazine of knife 刀库
- Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontaleminence. 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。
- He has collected plenty of knife money of ancient times. 他收藏了很多古代刀币。
- It was chosen the most popular magazine of the year. 它被评为年度最受欢迎的杂志。
- We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. 我们用筷子代替刀叉。
- Truth Seeking is the magazine of the Chinese Communist Party. 《求是》是中国共产党的党刊。
- Magazines of this country sell millions of copies because of their cheese cake pictures. 这个国家的杂志因为有半裸的美女照片,销量数以百万计。
- Unmerciful edge of knife keep on at innocent frontal eminence. 无情的刀刃儿纠缠着无辜的额角。
- Dimensions of knife blocks for rotary cement and lime kilns. 耐火制品。旋转水泥和石灰窑用砌块的尺寸。
- Fayed accused him in Time magazine of incompetence and lack of professionalism. 在《时代》杂志上,法耶德指控里斯-琼斯不称职并且缺乏敬业精神。
- Eddy: It was chosen the most popular magazine of the year, wasn't it? 它被评为年度最受欢迎的杂志,是吗?凯丽:是的。
- We Chinese use chopsticks in place of knives and forks. 我们中国人用筷子而不用刀叉。
- The police found an arsenal of knives and guns in the terrorists' hideout. 警方在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。
- A knife is one of the simplest of tools. 刀是一种最普通的工具。
- I was paging through a magazine when he came in. 他进来时我在翻阅一本杂志。
- Unknown (1996), IB World, the magazine of the International Baccalaureate Organisation, No.13, Dec. 1996. 黄政杰(1994);我国公元二千年高级中等教育改革方向之研究;台北:国立教育资料馆.
- This was an expensive corselette at the time and was featured in The Queen magazine of the Coronation in 1953. 这是当时昂贵corselette,并在女王特色杂志在1953年加冕。