- Better tell them sooner so that they may have enough time to make the necessary preparations. 最好早点告诉他们,这样他们就可以有充分时间作好必要的准备。
- I'll make the necessary arrangements. 我会做一些必要的安排。
- made the necessary apologies. 不得不道歉
- Having made the necessary changes, he was satisfied that he had a team which would collectively handle the task. 经过一些必要的变动后,现在的小组成员将会齐心协力开展工作,他对此感到很满意。
- They joined the wires on and made the necessary new connection. 他们把电线接了起来, 接通了所需的新线路。
- The mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine. 机械师对发动机作了必要的调整。
- I'll try to make the necessary hotel arrangements for you. 我将尽力为你们做必要的住宿安排。
- Squealer was sent to make the necessary explanations to the others. 他们派斯奎拉来给大家做必要的解释。
- She was to call before she left. You are to make the necessary changes. 她打算在离开前打电话。你要做出必要的改变
- The auteur has the juice with the board to make the necessary changes. 这位大导演神通广大,他可以左右董事会做出必要的改变。
- They were allowed two days for making the necessary preparation. 为了做必要的准备允许他们两天的时间。
- Two days were allowed them for making the necessary preparation. 有两天时间给他们做必要的准备。
- Two days wee allowed them for making the necessary preparations. 给了他们两天的时间来作必要的准备工作。
- Having made the necessary changes,he was satisfied that he had a team which would collectively handle the task. 经过一些必要的变动后,现在的小组成员将会齐心协力开展工作,他对此感到很满意。
- Miss Li, the meting is scheduled from 2 o'clock this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangements? 李小姐,会议按计划在今天下午两点开始。你作好安排了吗
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- We are in favour of reviewing the charter and making the necessary amendments. 我们赞成对宪章进行研究,并作必要的修改。
- Thank you. When the time comes,I'll ask the interpreter to make the necessary reservations for you. 谢谢,到时候我让翻译为你们去预定。
- You will think if people are about to come to the meeting,they will make the necessary preparation beforehand. 你会认为如果人们要来开会,他们应该事先做必要的准备。
- I haven't got the necessary tools. 我没有必需的工具。