- He had to make shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- We must make shift with what we have. 我们只好将就,有什么用什么。
- He has to make shift with what is on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- We had no chairs, so we had to make shift with old boxes. 我们没有椅子, 所以将就使用旧箱子当椅子。
- If we haven't a proper screen on which to show the films,we shall have to make shift with a sheet hung on the wall. 我们如果没有正规的放映银幕,就只好用一幅白床单挂在墙上将就一下。
- We did not have enough chairs for so many people and had to make shift with cushions. 我们没有足够的椅子给这麽多的人坐;那只好用垫子来对付一下.
- He had to make a shift with what was on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- He has to make a shift with what is on hand. 他只好用现有的东西将就应付。
- We haven't really got enough food for everyone but we'll have to make shift (with what we've got). 我们的食物其实并不够分的,只好(用现有的东西)将就了。
- A president must not shift with the wind. 一个总统(立场)不能随风摇摆。
- He made shift to scramble up its sides. 他设法从它边上爬上去。
- We had no chairs so we had to make shift. 我们没椅子,只好凑合了。
- We must make shift to finish this work tonight. 我们今晚必须努力把这项工作办完。
- They have to make shift without help. 他们只得靠自己设法应付。
- Study Knowledge about WTO Carefully and Make Shift with Our Work Actively 认真学习WTO知识努力做好应对工作
- Have you been able to switch your shift with anyone? 你找着能跟你调班的人了吗?
- No sweat, I'm happy to change shifts with you if you want Friday afternoon off. 没有麻烦,如果你想星期五下午休息,我很高兴同你换班。
- They discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it. 他们及时地发现了这个危险,连忙设法挽救过来。
- But they discovered the danger in time, and made shift to avert it. 好在他们及时发现了这一险情并设法阻止了它。
- Please switch work shifts with me. 我请你跟我换班。