- The hut was made out of pieces of wood. 这小屋是用木板建造的。
- They live in shacks which they made out of wood. 他们住在用木头搭成的简陋的小屋里。
- Traditionally gates were made out of wood, normally oak for its durability. 按照传统,门往往由木头制成,为了耐用,往往选用橡木。
- Inlay is a way of decorating wood with a pattern or image made out of small pieces of wood. 镶嵌就是这样一种工艺,它是用小块木料制作出图案或造型,装饰在另一种木制品上。
- The Kota peoples of Gabon created this guardian figure in the late-19th or early-20th century. It is made out of wood, brass, copper, bone and iron. 加蓬的Kota人于19世纪末或20世纪初创作了这件象征着守护神的雕像,它由木头、黄铜、青铜、骨头以及铁制成。
- Basically they use different types of Africans Traditional music instruments such as xylophone made out of wood and Djimbe drum. 乐团表演所用的乐器基本立足于非洲各式各样的传统打击乐器,如用硬木雕挖的木琴,世界闻名的金杯鼓等。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- The box is made out of cedar wood. 这盒子是用杉木做的。
- The house was made out of stone. 这座房子是用石头建造的。
- The children modeled a ship out of bits of wood. 孩子们用木片制作轮船模型。
- The box is made out of China fir wood. 这盒子是用杉木做成的。
- He made a model plane out of wood. 他用木头做了一架模型飞机。
- Many things are made out of bamboo. 很多东西是由竹子做出的。
- He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren. 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
- The boy made a boat out of wood. 那男孩用木头做了一条船。
- The stem is made out of a hard wood like padauk or ebony. 琴杆多用红木、乌木等质地坚硬的木料制作,
- He chipped a figure out of wood. 他用木头削成了一个雕像。
- The children modeled a ship out of bit of wood. 孩子们用木片制作轮船模型。
- The figure seems to be made out of ivory. 这人像是用象牙雕刻成的。
- He built me a model ship out of wood. 他用木料给我做了一个轮船模型。