- The house was made out of stone. 这座房子是用石头建造的。
- To find a heart that's made out of stone. 去找寻一颗石头做成的心。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- The statue was carved (out of stone). 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的。
- The hut was made out of pieces of wood. 这小屋是用木板建造的。
- In early times men made tools out of stone. 古时候人们用石头做工具。
- Many things are made out of bamboo. 很多东西是由竹子做出的。
- He made out of the cabin at once on hearing the siren. 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
- My soldiers began their life made out of terra cotta stone. 我的士兵们就是从这样石头中获得生命的。
- The figure seems to be made out of ivory. 这人像是用象牙雕刻成的。
- He made out of the cabin on hearing the siren. 他一听到汽笛声就立即走出船舱。
- Shows you the money to be made out of porter. 这说明黑啤酒的赚头有多大,,
- The statue was carved out of a single piece of stone. 这座雕像是用整块石料雕成的。
- Her skirt is made out of her mother's old one. 她的裙子由她妈妈的旧的改制的。
- The sculptor carved a figure of a sitting boy out of stone. 这位雕刻家用石头雕刻了一尊坐着的男童像。
- The cottage was made out of logs. 那小屋是用圆木建成的。
- A: That's a nice sculpture. What's it made out of? 那个雕像真不错。什么做的啊?
- These chairs were made out of bamboo. 这些椅子是用竹子来做的。
- These things are made out of paper. 这些东西是纸制的。
- The shirt is made out of the material. 这衬衫是用这种料子做成的。