- Macy William H. 威廉·H·梅西
- Hawk, Bernard L.Oser, and William H. 书刊名 Practical physiological chemistry /Philip B.
- The record Stanley is trying to beat is the 1968 record set by Donnie Smith (William H. 柏马则肩负着把离家出走多年的爱子弗兰克-迈基带到老人病榻前的重任。
- In an accompanying editorial, Jeffrey P.Callen, MD, associate editor of the Archives of Dermatology, and William H. 在同期刊出的评论文章中,Callen博士写道,该研究表明同时使用胰岛素增敏剂可改善维甲酸的疗效。
- William H, David T, Daniel H. Hypersonic airbreathing propulsion. Washington, D. C.: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. , 1994. 乐嘉林;刘陵.;高超声速飞行器的碳氢燃料双模态超燃冲压方案研究;推进技术;1998(1
- Leading from within: the effects of emotion recognition and personality on transformational leadership behavior By: Rubin, Robert S.; Munz, David C.; Bommer, William H. 情感识别与人格特征对变革型领导行为的影响。
- Sue Savage-Rumbaugh of Georgia State University, involving the bonobo Kanzi, have revealed startling language abilities [see “The Emergence of Intelligence,” by William H. 最近,学者以严谨的实验揭露了大猿惊人的语言能力,例如美国乔治亚州立大学教授萨维奇朗博(E.
- In the rollicking comedy WILD HOGS, four of Hollywood's biggest stars -- Tim Allen, two-time Oscar nominee John Travolta, Martin Lawrence and Academy Award nominee William H. 四名被家庭及工作压力弄至透不过气的城市熟男,突然想抛开生活重担,重拾青春活力;更向往投奔不用朝九晚五的自由自在日子。
- A broader solution is industrial-grade transubstantiation: using a new kind of reactor to break down the actinides [see “Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste,” by William H. 一个更大胆的解决方案是工业上的体变:(译注:体变意为基督教中面包和葡萄酒经过圣祝后变成基督的身体和血液,只留下外形还是面包和酒。)
- Reynolds William H. 威廉·H·雷诺兹
- Clothier William H. 威廉·H·克洛西尔
- Daniels William H. 威廉·H·丹尼尔斯
- Pine William H. 威廉·H·派因
- BARTON, William H. 威廉·巴顿
- Pappas & & William H. [博文] C%23精髓--Chris H.
- Ignacio, William H. 作者: Joselito S.
- Ziemer and William H. 参考书籍 Rodger E.
- Frank Futrell, William H. 放大图片 作者: R.
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- Macy's has just got in a new shipment of furs. Macy公司刚进一批皮货。