- macula acoustica 位觉斑
- What is the macula on nose? Call strawberry the head? 鼻子上的黑点是什么啊?是不是叫草莓头啊?
- Look at the macula and move your body!! forthcome and backwards! 看着黑点身体向前后移动!
- In humans, the central retina (macula) is 100% cones. 在人,中央视网膜(太阳黑子)是100%25锥体。
- No epiretinal membrane of macula was found before the operation. 全部患眼术前均未发现黄斑前膜,手术方法均采用巩膜外手术。
- Scorpions - Dust in the wind,[Acoustica]Live Video on AOL Video - Scorpions. 卡尼吉亚-视频-优酷视频-在线观看-阿根廷风之子
- What message is carried by a macula depends upon how it is affected. 但是承载的信息并不总是与听觉相连。
- In dry AMD, the more common form, tiny yellow deposits form beneath the macula. 以干性AMD为常见,位于黄斑下面小的黄色点,但不存在与湿性AMD。
- Disease: Color of skin not all, lacklustre, macula of facial occurrence red. 病症:肤色不均,无光泽,面部出现红色斑疹。
- They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called Macula (mucuna). 他们说有一种恢复土壤(肥力)的方法是种植一种叫油麻藤的植物。
- The timely and effective RVO blood reflux in macula area will play an important role in visual acuity recovery. 黄斑区及时有效地血液回流是 RVO后视功能恢复的重要因素
- In patients without metamorphopsia, abnormal macula could be found in 2 by OCT while nothing special was seen in FFA. 无视物变形组oct发现神经上皮层脱离和色素上皮层脱离各 1只眼 ,FFA未见异常。
- Once the retinal cells in the macula are damaged, the vision is in general not recoverable. 黄斑区的视网膜细胞一旦被破坏,视力便可能会永久受损。
- The yellow pigment filters out harmful blue light waves before they can reach the macula. 在有害的蓝光光波到达黄斑之前,黄斑色素就会把它过滤掉。
- If the macula degenerates, fluid and blood from abnormal blood vessels will cause image distortion or even a shadowing effect. 如黄斑区出现病变,增生血管会渗出液体及血液,破坏黄斑区组织,令视力模糊,景物变形,甚至呈现黑影。
- Disorders affecting the retina or the macula in its centre decrease vision and can cause Blindness. 影响视网膜和中心黄斑的病变会减退视力并可导致眼盲。
- The macula is an area on the retina that provides a clear, sharp image to our central vision. 负责中心视力的黄斑区提供清晰而精细的影像。
- The neurological examination was normal but fundoscopy revealed cherry-red like spot in the macula. 肝脾肿大,生长迟滞,神经学检查正常,但眼底有少见的似樱桃红点变化;因属罕见,特提出讨论。
- Abstract: Objective:To investigate the effects of the surgery of macula rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 摘 要: 目的:探讨黄斑裂孔性视网膜脱离手术的效果。
- If the hemorrhage in macula flava,the vision development of the infant would be influenced. [Conclusio... 新生儿视网膜出血主要与产妇的分娩方式有关,累及黄斑区的视网膜出血将有碍于患儿的视力发育。