- macrodont versus micromaxilla 牙大颌小
- macrodont versus micro-maxilla 牙大颌小
- That's a matter of outs versus ins. 那是在野党人与执政党人的对抗。
- The big match tonight is England versus Spain. 今晚的大赛是英格兰对西班牙。
- The oil versus nuclear equation is largely moot. 石油和核能之间的关系还很有争议。
- Today's football match is France versus Brazil. 今天的足球赛是法国队对巴西队。
- The plot/graph of I versus V is a straight line. I随V的变化曲线是一条直线
- That is a matter of outs versus ins. 那是在野党人与执政党人的对抗。
- The game is China versus American. 这场比赛是中国对美国队。
- That' s a matter of outs versus ins. 那是在野党人与执政党人的对抗。
- It is France versus Brazil in the final. 决赛是法国队对巴西队。
- Figure 5-3: Personas versus market segments. 图5-3 人物角色与市场划分。
- Chelsea versus Manchester United . 切尔西队对曼彻斯特联队。
- There's PCs versus expensive computers. 对贵的计算机有个人计算机。
- It's class warfare, the haves versus the have-nots. 这一场阶级战争。
- TB: Public Health versus Personal Liberty? 肺结核:公众健康与个人自由哪个更重要?
- Controls versus using other server controls. 控件以及其他服务器控件。
- Some thoughts about faith versus science. 对宗教的新思考。
- The football match tonight is China versus France. 今晚的足球比赛是中国队对法国队。
- Chelsea versus Manchester United. 切尔西队对曼彻斯特联队。