- The photocatalytic activity of coal-based photosensitizers is related to the structure of coal. 煤基光敏剂的光催化活性与煤结构有关。
- The structure of the coal water mixture was analyzed with infrared spectrum.Due to the surface of coal powder adsorbed the copolymer,the surface of the coal ... 利用红外光谱对水煤浆的结构进行了分析,煤粉表面吸附了共聚物,煤粉表面变为亲水性能,能使煤水系统稳定存在。
- We need to replenish our stocks of coal. 我们需要再次补充煤的储备。
- The results indicate that the reducibility of coal influences the surface structure of vitrinite and inertinite, whose representation is the different content of C-C or C-H. 因此,还原程度对镜质组及惰质组的表面结构均产生影响,主要表现在C-C或C-H质量分数的差异上。
- As the metamorphism increases, the aromatic nucleus get biger gradually, groups get smaller, and the chemical structure of coal changes to the structure of graphite. 结果表明:随着煤级增加,煤的芳香核逐渐增大,各种官能团不断脱落,煤的结构趋向于石墨化方向发展。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- As the structure of coal is peculiar, onion-like fullerenes formed by two ways:the crystallizing of amorphous form carbon atoms and the rearranging of aromatic structure. 煤的独特结构使其在制备过程中沿两条路径形成富勒烯:非晶态碳原子的石墨化和芳香结构的重排。
- On the basis of analysis of reflectivity of coal vitrinite, X-diffraction and micro-FTIR, this paper studies the component and the structure of high rank coal. 通过对镜质组反射率的测定、X衍射及显微傅立叶变换红外等实验对高煤阶煤的成分及结构进行了详细的分析,认为高煤阶煤演化具有明显的阶跃性特征。
- The microscopic structure of tissue. 组织机构组织的微观结构
- He put a shovel of coal on to the fire. 他往火炉里加了一铲煤。
- We know a lot about the structure of genes now. 如今我们对基因的结构有了较多的了解。
- We had a big delivery of coal today. 今天我们收到大批订购的煤。
- The structure of the sentence is strange. 这个句子的结构很奇怪。
- The country is short of known deposits of coal. 这个国家缺少已知的煤矿矿床。
- An inexhaustible supply of coal. 用之不竭的煤炭供应
- Can you analyze the structure of the sentence for me? 你能给我分析一下这个句子的结构吗?
- The energy structure of our country are analyzed,the state of the coal chemical engineering technology and the necessity of developing the new technology of coal chemical engineering are discoursed. 分析了我国能源结构的特点,论述了煤化工能源新技术的发展现状以及发展新型煤化工能源技术的必要性。
- Value of fractal dimension (D) which can be used to describe the pore structure of hardened cement pastes decreased with the prolongation of hydration but increased with the augment of coal stone. 分形维数值随著水化龄期的延长而减小,但随著煤矸石掺量的增大而增大。其可以用来表徵硬化水泥浆体的孔隙结构特徵。
- The model is an odd-looking structure of balls and rods. 这个模型是由球和杆组成的结构,样子很奇特。
- China has a wealth of coal, iron and other minerals. 中国有丰富的煤、铁和其它矿产资源。