- IQ Sex Worm Game - A new and exciting game for the mobile phone, based on the old Snake game idea. 智商性蠕虫游戏-一种新的和令人兴奋的游戏手机的基础上,老蛇游戏的想法。
- This section is representing the home most advanced game idea new generation product, is growing by its astonishing speed. 这款代表着国内最为先进游戏理念的新一代产品,正以其惊人的速度成长着。
- The game idea was a simple derivative of 'guitar hero' or 'DDR' whereby you press a button or buttons along with the music. 这场比赛的想法是一个简单的衍生物'吉他英雄'或'社会' ,使你按下一个按钮或按钮随着音乐。
- Describe enemies or monsters in the world or whomever the player istrying to defeat. Naturally this depends heavily on your game idea butgenerally games are about trying to kill something. 描述世界中玩家要对抗的敌人或怪物。自然,这些与你的游戏设计思想本身有很大关系。但是,通常来说,所谓游戏,就是让玩家试着杀掉某些东西。
- We didnt talk to the DMM guys until later on.So the early focus was very much on the story and game ideas rather than tech. 虽然患者进行现代医学的各种生化检查可能都无异常,但他们主观上就是感觉到身体有某些不适,这就是亚健康状态。
- macro - game idea 大游戏观
- Causes the game to emphasize Micro and less Macro. 会让游戏强调微操而缺乏宏操。
- Especially on May 4, the Beijing Olympic Games torch domestic biography in Sanya's success hold, lit 530,000 people's ten thousand ten feet of fervor, feels the superego Olympic Games idea. 尤其是今年5月4日,北京奥运会火炬境内首传在三亚的成功举行,点燃了53万人民的万丈激情,感受到超越自我的奥运理念。
- In every game they were bested by their opponents. 每一场比赛他们都被对方击败。
- Stop gloating just because you won the game! 别因为赢了就扬扬得意!
- A string processing language including nesting feature and macro feature. 包含嵌套功能和宏功能的一种符号串处理语言。
- The game will lose its relish when you grow old. 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。
- The umpire ousted the arguing player from the game. 裁判员将那位不服判决的运动员罚下场。
- She capitalized on her opponent's mistake and won the game. 她利用了她对手的失误赢得了比赛。
- The idea of the game is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board. 这个游戏的目标是要把所有的棋子全走到棋盘的另一边。
- Hardly had the game begun when it started raining. 比赛刚刚开始就下起雨来。
- Have you got any rain check for the following game? 你拿到下一场球的免费票了吗?
- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。
- He is expected to win the game with ease. 预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。
- He made a bet that he would win the game. 他同别人打赌说这场比赛他会赢。