- machinist rs scraper 钳工刮刀
- stationary base machinist rs vise 固定式机工虎钳
- We removed the loose paint with a scraper. 我们用刮刀将剥起的漆铲去。
- machinist rs rule 机工规尺, 划线机
- machinist rs clamp 平行夹头
- carpenter rs scraper 木工刮刀
- machinist rs hammer 机工锤
- safety machinist rs hammer 安全钳工锤
- machinist rs square 机工角尺
- Scraper with long blue plastic handle. 蓝塑长柄方型油灰刀。
- If you wear tight clothes, beware of the machinist. 穿紧身衣,当心机械师。
- Tradesmen trouble us a bit, so does the scraper. 推销商有些烦人,刮泥板也是。
- Are you going to be a machinist? 你要当一个机械师吗?
- The machinist is aligning the wheels of the car. 这个机械工正在调整车轮。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- Now, my dad was a machinist in the Navy. 是的,我的爸爸在海军中当机械师。
- machinist rs level 机工水平仪
- French type machinist rs hammer 法式钳工锤
- machinist rs vise swivel base 活动式机工虎钳
- machinist rs file 机工锉