- Honing is one of the effective processes in the machining accuracy deep hole. 深孔精加工中,珩磨是一种行之有效的加工工艺。
- The research of improveing the machining accuracy technology of tractor covering mould curved surface. 提高拖拉机覆盖件模具曲面加工精度工艺技术的研究。
- It presents an easy method to control the machining accuracy of thread with high requirement for fit clearance. 介绍配合间隙要求高的螺纹副的一种简易加工精度控制方法。
- ECM with fixed gap in intermittent feed can be used as an effective means to improve the machining accuracy. 定间隙间歇送进电解加工是提高电解加工加工精度的一种有效方法。
- Thus machining accuracy of the ultra-precision turning machine is improved. 因而,超精密机床的加工精度得到有效的改善。
- The main objective of virtual machining process is to predict and improve machining accuracy. 虚拟加工的主要任务是预测和改进被加工件的加工精度。
- The affected cause of machining accuracy and surface roughness is diverse part in WEDM for die &mould machining. 电火花线切割加工中,影响模具加工精度与表面粗糙度的原因是多方面的。
- A real-time forecasting method of wire electrical-discharge machining(WEDM)corner machining accuracy was proposed. 提出了一种电火花线切割加工拐角加工精度的实时预测方法,并为此建立了实时预测系统。
- Based on wire-cut machining principle,reasonably worked out machining procedure to improve machining accuracy. 根据线切割的加工原理,合理编制加工程序,以提高加工精度。
- Machining accuracy of slow-feeding EDM wire-cut is one of major targets scaling processing properties. 慢走丝电火花线切割加工精度是衡量加工性能的重要指标之一。
- As viewed from machining accuracy,the domestic and international developing trends and goals are analyzed firstly. 从加工精度角度出发分析超精密加工技术国内外动态及今后发展的目标;
- In high-speed machining process, the overshoots often occur in the tool path and the machining accuracy is affected. 摘要高速加工过程中,在刀具路径上容易产生过冲,影响加工精度,因此必须提前对加工速度进行优化处理。
- Abstract: The paper presents a method of improving machining accuracy in electrochemical machining by using a dual pole tool. 文摘:采用辅助阳极法来改善电解孔加工过程中侧面间隙电场的分布。
- The application of process of vane wheel profile forming can ensure the machining accuracy and improve the productive efficiency. 采用成形铣削加工叶轮型面,保证了加工精度,提高了生产效率。
- A zero clearance elastic sleeve positioning jig for lathe is presented to better solve the machining accuracy problem of such parts. 介绍一种在车床上使用的无间隙弹性套定位工装,较好地解决了此类零件的加工精度问题。
- The formation of burr is common phenomenon in metal cutting.The existence of burr reduces machining accuracy,and influence performance of parts. 金属切削毛刺是切削加工中产生的常见现象,它严重地影响着产品(零件)的精度和使用性能。
- In this paper, the technology feature of diamond reamer and application to machining accuracy hole for compressor elements are intruduced. 介绍了金钢石铰刀的技术特点及在压缩机零件高精度内孔加工中的应用情况。
- The pose errors of the 3-RRR NC swivel worktable is predicted using a statistical method for a given grade of machining accuracy. 研究3-RRR数控回转台的精度分析问题。利用空间矢量链分析法构造零部件制造误差与动角台位姿误差的映射关系,建立相应的精度分析概率模型;
- In addition, a hollow ball structure is selected and the sectional stamping forming technology is employed to assure the high machining accuracy and low cost. 采用了空心球体结构和分段冲压成形加工工艺,有效地保证了球体的加工精度和质量,降低生产成本;
- The result shows that the changing velocity of the errors has influence on the machining accuracy of the gear and the choosing of the compensating methods. 结果表明,滚刀与工件间的相对偏差变化速度的快慢不仅影响到齿轮加工精度,还影响到误差补偿方法的选取。