- Baotou Jingniu Glass Ceramic Co., Ltd. 包头晶牛微晶股份有限公司。
- In this paper,the static fatigue properties of a fluoromicas containing machinable glass ceramic was investigated. 本文对一种典型可切削玻璃陶瓷的静疲劳行为进行了研究,研究了材料在空气、水、煤油中疲劳断裂。
- In this paper,the static fatigue properties of a fluoromicas containing machinable glass ceramic was investigated.Fatiguefracture in water、air、 oil for this material was investigaed. 本文对一种典型可切削玻璃陶瓷的静疲劳行为进行了研究,研究了材料在空气、水、煤油中疲劳断裂。
- And optimum formula was obtained.Influence of hollow micro glass bead and emulsions on reflectivity was discussed.And comparison tests of perform... 乳液品种对涂料反射率影响不大,确定了最佳配方,并对其性能进行了对比测试。
- In the process of the experiment, the heating temperature, pulling volicity and length were selected rationally.The micro glass injection pipette with many size could be produced. 实验结果表明以国产玻璃毛细管为原料,通过对加热温度、拉伸速度、拉伸长度及顺序的合理配置可以制造出各种规格的微注射用玻璃微针。
- Methods An artificial bone of phosphate glass ceramic was made to be filled perfectly into gap of the palatoschisis. 方法制备具有生物活性的磷酸盐微晶玻璃骨替代材料;
- Objective:To evaluate biological safety of new type hea t-pressed glass ceramic material. 目的:评估新型热压铸入型玻璃陶瓷材料的生物安全性。
- Diopside-based glass ceramic was made with steel slag and fly ash by sintering process. 以钢渣和粉煤灰为主要原料,采用烧结工艺,制得以透辉石为主晶相的微晶玻璃;
- The results show that, Main crystallization phase of glass ceramic was hedenbergite, and the minor crystallization phases were augite and hypersthene. 结果表明:矿渣微晶玻璃的主析晶相为钙铁辉石,次晶相为普通辉石和紫苏辉石;
- The results showed: 1. Osseointegration could bef ormed on the interface after the bioactive glass ceramic was implanted in three months. 结果认为:(1)生物活性玻璃陶瓷种植三个月后,界面可形成骨性结合。
- In this paper, several often used methods of machining micro holes based on non-traditional machining(NTM) are introduced. 介绍了基于特种加工的微小孔常用加工方法,指出了这些方法的特点、发展现状和研究方向。
- ANUSAVICE K J, HOJJATIE B, HU S. Tensile stress in poste rior glass ceramic crown: effect of flaw and cement voids[J]. Dent Res, 1991 , 70: 434. 万红;杜传诗;吴德全.;粘固剂对烤瓷熔附金属底层冠就位的影响[J]
- Objective To evaluate the mutagenicity of machinable bioactive glass ceramics (MBGC) by micronucleus test of bone marrow. 目的了解可切削生物活性玻璃陶瓷(MBGC)的潜在致突变性。
- Micro electro discharge machining (EDM) method has the advantages of less cutting force, without machining burrs, and machining micro holes after heat treatment. 微细电火花加工喷油嘴喷孔具有无宏观加工力、无毛刺、可加工微细喷孔以及可在热处理后加工等优点。
- Our products are suitable for precise printing of circuit panel、textile、plastic、glass、ceramic and scutcheon to satisfy different requirements from different customers. 专业生产高张力、低延伸聚酯丝网,适用于线路板、纺织、塑胶、玻璃、陶瓷、标牌等高精度印刷,可以满足广大用户的需求。
- The changes for application of glass ceramic glaze to tile are from traditional double firing to fast single firing process and formulations and composition of glazes. 微晶玻璃釉应用陶瓷行业的变化是,传统的二次烧成工艺逐渐被一次快速烧成替代和传统的釉料配方有了很大的改变。
- Production of Micro Glass Pipette in Cell Injection 细胞微注射玻璃针的制造
- The influence of melting ambience,illumination time and heat treatment temperature on photosensitive of photoactive glass ceramic were studied.The samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM. 研究了熔制气氛、光照时间及热处理温度对铜光敏微晶玻璃光敏性的影响,利用XRD和SEM对样品进行了分析。
- Apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic (AW GC) is composed of apatite and wollastonite phase which nominal composition is MgO-CaO-SiO_2-P_2O_5. It has excellent biocompatibility and high mechanical properties. 磷灰石-硅灰石玻璃陶瓷(apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic,AW GC)是含磷灰石、硅灰石晶相以及玻璃相,成分为MgO-CaO-SiO_2-P_2O_5的微晶玻璃陶瓷,具有良好的生物相容性、一定的生物降解性和较高的生物力学性能。
- Ploughing Techniques and Machining Micro Structures 犁削技术与微结构加工