- Phlegmatic types or those suffering from sinusitis are advised to completely avoid fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes, and candies. 粘液质类型的或被窦炎困扰的人们应该尽量避免油炸和含淀粉食品、白糖、白面粉,大米和通心面食品、饼干、蛋糕和糖果。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- Argentina is a big exporter of beef products. 阿根廷是牛肉制品的一大出口国。
- Many customers spoke for these new products. 很多顾客订购了这些新产品。
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 这个国家的主要产品是可可和黄金。
- Macaroni tastes different from spaghetti. 通心面的味道与意大利细面条不同。
- Cereal products are good for our health. 谷物产品对我们的身体有益。
- They found some new outlets for their products. 他们为自己的产品找到了一些新的市场。
- He has a bias against Japanese products. 他讨厌日本的产品。
- The firm has better products than its competitors. 这家公司的产品比其对手的好。
- Maybe you'd like the macaroni and cheese. 也许你想要通心粉和乳酪。
- Such products are widely sold in markets abroad. 此类产品在国外市场很畅销。
- The products we sell are many and various. 我们出售的产品是各式各样的。
- Steve: I like to eat macaroni and cheese sometimes. 史提夫:有些时候我喜欢吃起士通心粉.
- High prices for farm products encouraged farming. 农产品价格的提高有助于农业。
- Dish of macaroni with a cheese sauce. 乾酪通心面。
- Their products are always attractively packaged. 他们的产品总是包装得非常精美。
- He sat down to a great dish of macaroni. 他坐下来吃了一大碗通心粉。
- All the new products are on show at the exhibition. 展览会上陈列著所有的新产品。
- Stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni. 他帽子上插着翎毛,被人叫做纨绔子弟。