- She began writing The Icarus Girl last year when she was in the sixth form of Notre Dame School. 欧耶米从去年开始创作《伊卡洛斯女孩》,那时她还在圣母中学念六年级。
- She is too much of an airhead to be school president. 她呀,“花瓶”一个,不能做学生会会长。
- She should be schooled with her peers. 她应当与她的同龄人一起接受教育。
- The most injury place was school(47.9%). 伤害的地点以学校为最高(47.;9%25)。
- Every soldier has to be schooled in the care of his weapons. 在保养武器方面,每位战士都得接受训练。
- They are school friends rivaling in performing good deeds. 他们是争着做好事的同学。
- University of Notre Dame School of Law 圣母大学法学院
- He is being schooled in his part of Hamlet. 他所扮演的哈姆雷特的角色受到了指导。
- The badass was schooled yesterday. 那个坏蛋昨天受到了教训。
- Jane, can you take care of this gentleman? Now, how was school today? 珍,你能来招呼这位男士吗?好了,今天在学校怎麽样?
- Mocks are school examinations taken as practice before official examinations. 模拟考试是在正式考试前作的练习考试。
- Host : Were you bullied when you were schooling? 主持人:上学的时候别人会不会欺负你。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- I think so; in fact, I am quite sure. 我想如此,事实上我非常确信。
- I am in the school football team. 我是学校足球队的队员。
- The blind need the guide dogs that are schooled in obedience. 盲人们需要那些训练得很听话的导盲犬。
- In Canada the French were schooling them in a rudimentary way. 在加拿大,法国人正用启蒙的方法教育他们。
- Doctors are schooled in the art of being calm duing emergencies. 医生们学习在遇到紧急情况时保持冷静的艺术。
- I am in favor of a visit to Notre Dame de Paris. 我赞成去巴黎圣母院。