- lytic cycle control 溶裂循环控制
- To disentangle the two pathways, first consider just the lytic cycle. 为了区分开两条路径,我们首先考虑裂解循环。
- All of the genes necessary for the lytic cycle are expressed in polycistronic transcripts from three promoters. 编码噬菌体结构成分的基因则排列为簇。裂解周期所需要的基因则以三个启动子起以多顺反子转录的形式表达。
- In a process called induction, certain environmental factors can cause the phage to leave the host DNA and resume the lytic cycle. 一定的环境因子可能引起噬菌体离开寄主DNA,继续新的细胞溶解的循环过程,这一个过程称为传染。
- Bacteriophage lysins are double-stranded DNA bacteriophage-encoded peptidoglycan hydrolases produced in phage-infected bacterial cells toward the end of the lytic cycle. 摘要噬菌体裂解酶是由双链DNA噬菌体编码的在基因组复制晚期合成的一类蛋白质,它能够水解细菌细胞壁的肽聚糖从而杀灭细菌。
- The method is highly sensitie, he says: as few as fie percent of the cells within the tumor mass needed to be induced into the lytic cycle in order to be detected. 这个方法的敏感性很高,他还说,在肿瘤中只要有5%25的肿瘤细胞能被诱导转入溶解期,这个方法就能检测出肿瘤来。
- Undergraduate thesis with Professor Shaobai Xue, BeijingNormalUniversity. Studies on mammalian cell cycle control. 北京师范大学师从薛绍白教授撰写学士论文,研究哺乳动物细胞周期调控。
- A DC side active power filter(APF)based on one cycle control theory is proposed. 提出了一种基于单周控制理论的直流侧有源电力滤波器 (DC侧APF)。
- So we analyzed cell cycle and cell cycle control genes expression in MDS, AML evolving from MDS (MDS-AML), primary AML and normal control. 本研究旨在分析正常人、MDS及MDS转化的急性髓系细胞白血病(MDS-AML)和原发性急性髓系细胞白血病(AML)患者的细胞周期的异常变化及细胞周期调控基因表达谱的不同。
- He is continuing his exploration of the molecular basis of cell cycle control in normal and cancer cells as an MPhil candidate at UST. 他现于科大修读哲学硕士课程,研究正常及癌细胞的细胞周期控制的分子基础。
- This paper give an advice that we can realize closed cycle control of feeding shaft by proportional valve and linear grid ruler instead of servo emplifier and servo motor. 利用比例阀和线性光栅尺配合使用替代伺服放大器和伺服电机实现进给轴的闭环控制。
- The deregulation of cell proliferation is the essential issue for the tumorigenesis, which is closely associated with the disturbance of cell cycle control. 细胞增殖失控是肿瘤发生的重要环节,与细胞周期调控紊乱密切相关。
- R. Brown, M. Soldano, "One Cycle Control IC Simplifies PFC Designs," IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Volume 2, 6-10, Page(s):825 ? 829, March 2005. 单周期控制技术化繁为简,轻松实现高功率PFC设计,新电子科技杂志,2006年2月号。
- Yeast regulatory factor PHO85, which is a cyclin?dependent kinase (CDK), participates in the regulation of the cell cycle control and the expression of the acid phosphatase gene. 酵母调控因子PHO85是一个依赖于细胞周期蛋白(cyclin)的蛋白激酶(CDK),参与对细胞周期和酸性磷酸酯酶基因表达的调控。
- Add the function such as cycle control by SHIFT+F1 (we call it pilot's body remove), or add the definition of buttons for the better way of the pilots observation in the cabin. 增加SHIFT+F1(我们称之为:飞行员身体移动)的功能(如循环控制),或新增按键定义,以使飞行员在座舱内部更灵活的观察。
- STAT3 is an important inhibitor of apoptosis gene discovered in recent years,with a bifunction of inhibiting apoptosis and getting involved in cell cycle control. STAT3基因是近年来发现的凋亡抑制基因,具有抑制凋亡和参与细胞周期调控的双重功能。
- It has been known that most of the enzymes play important roles in the regulation of mitogenic signal transduction and cell cycle control in response to extracellular stimuli. 目前已知,大部分双特异性磷酸酶都在有丝分裂原激活蛋白磷酸酶信号途径(MAPK)中行使重要生理功能。
- By making use of the PDCA cycle control to surveil the activities in the enterprise information system project, it designs and submits the surveillance model. 通过运用全面质量过程控制理论,对各个活动进行监理,本章设计形成了企业信息系统工程的监理模型。
- This review briefly summarizes the current progress in the functions of NBS1 in DNA replication, DSB repair, cell cycle control, as well as maintenance of genome stability. 本文对NBS1的结构及其在DNA的复制、维持染色质稳定以及DNA损伤应激反应中的作用进行综述。
- One cycle controlled DC side APF is the combining of one cycle control theory and DC side APF, so which features the goodness of two technologies. 将单周控制技术与DC侧APF相结合的单周控制DC侧APF,则同时具有二者的优点。