- lymphoglandulae coeliacae [医] 腹腔淋巴结
- Results The result shows, using the technique to test lymphoglandula, liver and spleen from the body suspected to be a human plague case, the positive result is obtained. 方法采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术。结果在这起疑似人间鼠疫尸体的淋巴结、肝及脾等脏器中均检测到鼠疫耶尔森氏菌F1抗原。
- Methods Select angiography of the coeliaca artery, mesenterica superior artery and mesenterica inferior artery, and then to treat with vascopressin or embolizing gelfoam through catheter. 方法选择性腹腔动脉、肠系膜上动脉和肠系膜下动脉造影,发现出血动脉后,再行超选择插管,然后经导管灌注血管加压素或用明胶海绵等进行栓塞治疗。
- lymphoglandulae auriculares inferiores 耳下淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae auriculares posteriores [医] 耳后淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales anteriores 颈前淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales profundae 颈深淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales profundae in-feriores 颈深下淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales profundae inferiores 颈深下淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales profundae superiores [医] 颈深上淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cervicales superficiales [医] 颈浅淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae cubitales superficiales [医] 肘浅淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae gastricae sinistrae [医] 胃上淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae gastroepiploicae dextrae [医] 胃下淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae inguinales profundae [医] 腹股沟下深淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae mediastinales anteriores [医] 纵隔前淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae mediastinales posteriores 纵隔后淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae subinguinales profundae [医] 腹股沟下深淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae subinguinales superficiales [医] 腹股沟下浅淋巴结
- lymphoglandulae supraclaviculares 锁骨上淋巴结