- luxatio coxae obturatorius 髋关节闭孔脱位
- luxatio coxae congenita [医] 先天性髋脱位
- luxatio coxae iliacus 髋髂脱位
- luxatio coxae supracotyloidea 髋关节臼上脱位
- The coxa is the functional base of the leg. 基节是腿的功能基
- No death and no coxa vara occurred. 本组无手术死亡,未发生髋内翻。
- Function:Exercise the waist and the coxa. 功能:锻炼腰、髋部位。
- Side lies, let head, shoulder, coxa go up point-blank in. 侧卧,让头、肩、髋在一条直线上。
- These are adipose and main distributing to reach coxa, hip in breast, abdomen. 这些脂肪主要分布在乳房、腹部及髋、臀部。
- They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara, ischium and pubis hypoplasia, spinal bifida or child carpale stunt. 且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。
- Function:Activate the shoulder and coxa joints,stretch the waist and back muscle. 功能:活动肩关节和髋关节,舒展腰部和背部肌肉。
- Function:Activate the shoulder and coxa joints,stretch the waist and back muscle,enhance the cardiopulmonary function. 功能:活动肩关节和髋关节,舒展腰部和背部肌肉。并使心肺功能得到加强。
- How many money does the special material that makes art of complete coxa displacement need? 做全髋置换术的特殊材料需要多少钱?
- Double leg departure and coxa are the same as wide, both hands owes heavy park body two side, boxing heart is inward. 双手负重站立,拳心向内,双脚分开与髋同宽。右腿后跨一步,脚跟抬起,身体下蹲,保持这个姿势不变。
- One patient had coxa varus.Conclusion DHS contributes to union and has little complications,and is an eff... 结论DHS内固定治疗股骨转子间骨折是一种稳定可靠的方法,有利于骨折愈合,减少并发症。
- The mechanical parameters can be applied to practical problem directly, such as the stresses analysis of artificial articulatio coxae. 这些力学特性参数可直接应用于实际问题,例如人工髋关节的应力分析。
- Sequence of finally throw is the force begin from ankle, knee, coxa muscle sequentially. 投掷最后用力顺序是踝、膝、髋肌肉依次发力。
- Objective To observe the effect of self-care mode on the old coxa bone fracture of patients. 目的观察自理模式在老年髋部骨折护理过程中的作用。
- Latin exercises ministry of the waist, coxa to have profit particularly to the female. 拉丁对女性锻炼腰部、髋部特别有好处。”
- Method: Made the single coxae dislocate model of twelve rabbits (4 months) via the operation, after 4, 6, 8 weeks, observed the coxae disloc ation and artificial acetabulum form. 方法:将12只4个月龄兔通过外科手术造成单侧髋关节半脱位动物模型,手术后4、6、8周,观察兔髋关节脱位和继发性假臼形成的过程。