- He was obssessed by lust for money. 他让金钱迷住了心窍。
- He was obsessed by lust for money, so he made a mistake. 他被金钱所迷眼,所以才会犯这样的错误。
- The lust for money and power drives quite a number of people to commit crimes. 对金钱和权利的欲望使相当一些人走上犯罪的道路。
- Lusting for money and wealth, these foreign businessmen couldn't wait to do trade with the Chinese. 他们都贪图同中国商人通商,以夺取中国的金银财富。
- His lust for power will never be satisfied. 他的权力欲永不能得到满足。
- It is quite obvious that he has a lust for power. 很显然他渴求权势。
- Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood? 难道北约还没有满足他的血腥的欲望吗?
- The vagrant had to beg for money. 那个流浪汉不得不乞求钱财。
- Her kind words led up to a request for money. 她的好话为要钱的事打开了门路。
- My kind words led up to a request for money. 我说了许多好话才使我借到钱。
- No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. 除非是傻瓜,从未有人为金钱以外的东西写文章。
- She was playing for kicks, not for money. 她表演是为了娱乐,不是为了赚钱。
- He is always possessed by a lust for gain. 他利欲熏心。
- The crime rooted in his greed for money. 这一犯罪行为起因于他对金钱的贪得无厌。
- He had the cheek to ask me for money. 他竟厚著脸皮向我要钱。
- He was filled with lust for power. 他内心充满了对权力的渴望。
- The beggars pestered the tourists for money. 乞丐们纠缠游客要钱。
- It is quite obvious that he have a lust for power. 很显然他渴求权势。
- He had the assurance to ask me for money. 他竟厚著脸皮向我要钱。
- She dipped into her purse for money. 她在钱包中掏钱。