- lure her into a trap 诱使她上当受骗
- The interviewer had driven her into a corner. 面试主持人把她追问得很窘。
- In a moment he stumble into a trap, set by bear-catcher. 不一会儿他绊跌到捕熊人设的陷阱里。
- Authorities say the student originally said one of the men lured her into a men's dormitory where she was sexually assaulted. 当局称,该名女学生最初的供词是:一名男子将其诱骗到男生宿舍,在那儿她遭到了性侵犯。
- Authorities said the student originally said one of the men lured her into a men's dormitory where she was sexually assaulted. 警方表示该学生一开始说其中一名男子诱骗她到一名男子的宿舍中,她在那受到了性侵犯。
- Can we slot her into a job in the sale department? 我们能把她安排在销售部工作吗?
- We are leading them into a trap. 我们在把他们诱入一个圈套。
- Worry about the business has turned her into a nervous wreck. 她生意上的烦恼事把她愁得不成人样了。
- The hunter lured a fox into a trap. 猎人把狐狸诱入陷井。
- I realized I'd walked into a trap. 我意识到自己稀里糊涂落入了陷阱。
- She realized that she had blundered into a trap. 她意识到她中计了。
- After several unsuccessful attempts to catch her (she killed a guard dog with a single blow of her club), villagers tried to lure her into captivity with a pitcher of water, but she was startled and fled to the topmost branches of a tree. 村民们企图抓住她,但好几次都失败了(她一棒就打死了一条看门狗),后来村民们企图用一只装满水的罐子引诱并抓住她,但是她被吓坏了,爬到一棵树的顶端。
- ANTHONY: The mouse -- walking right into a trap. 安东尼:胆小鼠--正好走进陷阱。
- The hunter lured the fox into a trap. 猎人诱使狐狸落入陷阱。
- After several unsuccessful attempts to catch her (she killed a guard dog with a single blow of her club),villagers tried to lure her into captivity with a pitcher of water,but she was startled and fled to the topmost branches of a tree. 村民们企图抓住她,但好几次都失败了(她一棒就打死了一条看门狗),后来村民们企图用一只装满水的罐子引诱并抓住她,但是她被吓坏了,爬到一棵树的顶端。
- Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap. 奶酷用来诱捕老鼠很奏效。
- Poverty detrudes her into a condition below beasts. 贫穷令她陷入鸡狗不如的困境。
- Your remarks have flung her into a temper. 你的这番话使她大为光火。
- In a moment he stumbled into a trap, set by bear-catchers. 不一会儿他绊跌到捕熊人设的陷阱里。
- Her tax problem got her into a lot of hot water. 她的税务问题给她带来了不少麻烦。