- lupus sclerosus [医] 硬化性狼疮
- Even lupus Kinfolk gather in tightly knit packs. 即使狼亲属也被收入结构严密的组织。
- Lupus, however, is at an extreme. 然而,狼疮却是其中的极端。
- Lipid peroxidation in systemic lupus erythematosus. 系统性红斑狼疮中的脂质过氧化作用。
- Is lupus erythematosus hematic cancer? 红斑狼疮是血癌吗?
- Infection can cause a lupus flare. 感染可导致狼疮复发。
- Lupus agno dixit: cur turbas aquam meam? 翻译 - 拉丁语-巴西葡萄牙语 - 1.
- The real mystery about lupus is what precedes such events. 狼疮真正神秘之处,隐藏在病发之前。
- Even in Lupus, their claws are almost catlike in sharpness. 当化为狼形时,他们的爪子就像猫一样锐利。
- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere near Vela and Lupus. 半人马星座南半球船帆座和天狼座附近的一个星座
- But in those with lupus, the disposal system seems to be defective. 但对狼疮患者来说,残骸处理系统似乎也有缺陷。
- Could a Validated Biomarker Transform the Lupus Market? 生物标记能够改变狼疮市场吗?
- Have a doctor? Know lupus erythematosus of pertinent question? 有没有医生?懂红斑狼疮相关问题的?
- What does the remedial method with pneumonic lupus have? 狼疮肺炎的治疗方法有哪些?
- Objective:To seek early diagnosis of lupus nephritis. 目的:探索狼疮性肾炎的早期诊断。
- Objective To study the therapeutic method of lupus nephritis. 目的:探索狼疮性肾炎的有效治疗方法。
- We present a first case of melioidosis in lupus patient in Taiwan. 我们发现在台湾第一个红斑性狼疮病例的个案。
- The required abzymes occur naturally in patients with lupus. 在狼疮病人的体内,能自然生成所需要的该种分离酵素。
- Recently, it has been found that ECM1 is associated with lipoid proteinosis (LP)and lichen sclerosus(LS) . 细胞外基质蛋白1基因的功能性缺陷可导致类脂质蛋白沉积症的发生;
- The case was diagnosed as lichen sclerosus et atrophicus with localized scleroderma. 患者诊断为硬化萎缩性苔藓合并局限性硬皮病。