- It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening. 据报道说,明天晚上有月食。
- Lunar eclipse occur when the earth's shadow fall on the moon. 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。
- Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen. 古代的人们相信月蚀是一种坏的预兆。
- Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth rs shadow falls on the moon. 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。
- Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth's shadow falls on the moon. 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。
- Last week we witnessed the first lunar eclipse in the new century. 上周我们观看了新世纪 第一次月食.
- The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night. 报道说的是,2010年之前的最后一次月全食于周三晚上出现。
- What makes this lunar eclipse difficult is that Neptune will be so active. 使这个月食显得困难的是由于海王星太活跃了。
- Sometimes the moon only enters the penumbra without touching the umbra. This is a penumbral lunar eclipse. 有时月球并不会进入本影而只进入半影,这就称为半影月食。
- This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required. 这个对话框允许选择你需要信息的月食。
- On the right, the Full Moon grazed Earth's shadow nearly 15 days later in a partial lunar eclipse. 上右影像则是发生在15天后的月偏食,当时满月滑进了地球的暗影里。
- The full moon lunar eclipse on July 7 will bring a work-related matter to fullness. 这次发生在7月7日的月全食将使与工作有关的事情达到完满。
- A total or partial lunar eclipse occurs if the full moon is less than 1/2 from the ecliptic. 当满月离黄道1/2度以内;就会有月全蚀或月偏蚀(30章).
- Explanation: When a Full Moon lies near the ecliptic there can be a lunar eclipse. 说明: 当满月位于黄道附近时就会出现月食。
- The next total lunar eclipse occurs Feb. 21, 2008, and will be visible from the Americas, Europe and Asia. 下一次的月蚀将发生在2008年2月21日;到时美国;欧洲和亚洲的人们都将能看到这一天文现象.
- The total lunar eclipse, the second this year, will be visible in North and South America, especially in the West. 这是今年的第二次月蚀,这次月蚀南北美洲特别是西部地区都将能够看到。
- With Father Neptune so prominent at this lunar eclipse, there are several ways you may feel this eclipse. 当父亲的海王星在这次月蚀中那么突出,你会在不同的几方面感受到这次月蚀的力量。
- The first eclipse will be a full moon lunar eclipse in a fellow earth sign, Capricorn, due July 7. 第一次的月食(日食)将在7月7号发生在魔羯座,在地球上看,那是个月全食。
- Observers can also watch rare phenomena of penumbral lunar eclipse with the aid of instruments that night at the best viewing time of 22:38.2. 当天,各地居民还可通过仪器观测到罕见的半影月食,最佳时刻在22时38.;2分。
- The moment came during a penumbral lunar eclipse when the KAGUYA's view of the Sun was obscured by the Earth, causing it to look like a diamond ring. 照片中,在半匿于地球背后的太阳照耀下,形成一个光环,宛如一枚太空中的"钻戒"。据悉,这样的照片是首次被拍到。