- A lso, ASP is fit for all kinds of browsers. 而且可以适合于各种浏览器。
- A hillside or a slope.A lso heard in northern E ngland. 指“小山的山腰或山坡”。在英格兰北部此词也有这一意义。
- Neither soft collar nor orthosis was needed after surgery. 术后未使用颈托和外部支具。
- AIM: To introduce a new kind of wrist-hand orthosis. 摘要目的:介绍一种新型腕手矫形器。
- A nother w ord for a sandw ich.A lso heard in N orthern Ireland. 意为“三明治”,在爱尔兰北部也用此词。
- Trousers; a form of breeches.A lso heard in northern E ngland. 意为“裤子,长裤或一种马裤”。此词在英格兰北部也有使用。
- Compression of sacral roots results in acute urinary retention. 骶神经根受压导致急性尿潴留。
- B y and by,in a w hile.“B um bye w e go beach.”A lso bym bye. 意为“不久之后”或“过一会儿”,如:“我们过一会儿就去海滩。”此词
- Compre ion of sacral roots results in acute urinary retention. 骶神经根受压导致急性尿潴留。
- Conclusion:Tramadol injected sacral canal is safe and effective. 结论:骶管注入曲吗多是安全有效的止痛方法。
- Objective To discuss the surgical methods of sacral chordoma. 目的探讨骶骨脊索瘤的外科治疗方法。
- Objective To explore the efficacy of orthosis in orthopaedic rehabilitation. 目的探讨矫形器在骨关节损伤与疾病康复中的应用。
- A, iew of pelis from superior margin of symphysis pubis to leel of sacral ala. 从耻骨联合上缘至骶骨翼水平观察骨盆。
- Dysplastic spondylolisthesis is due to a congenital sacral or L5 arch anomaly. 发育不良性脊椎前移是由于先天性骶骨或L5椎弓异常所致。
- Central denervation was performed in the spinal cord or sacral nerve roots. 中枢性去神经施行于脊髓及骶神经根。
- Key words: sacroplasty, sacral fracture, osteoporosis,low back pain. 关键词:骶骨成形术,骶骨骨折,骨质疏松,下腰痛
- Objective To evaluate the safety of five methods of sacral screw fixation. 目的评价五种骶骨内固定的安全性。
- Methods 9 cases with arachnoid cysts in sacral canal were manifested by MRI. 方法9例患者经MRI检查确诊,全部采取手术摘除治疗。
- Objective To investigate the efficacy of lumbo abdominal group acupuncture as a main treatment for simple obesity. 目的观察腰腹群针为主治疗单纯性肥胖症的疗效。
- Among then 72 were cervical SCI, 56 were thoracolumbar and 47 were sacral SCI. 其中72位为颈髓伤害,56位为腰髓伤害,47位为荐髓伤害。