- lubrication by felt pads 毡片润滑
- She was guided by feeling rather than thought. 她被感情而非理智所支配。
- After uncovering of treble part we see valves underlaid by felt. 在揭露高音部分以后我们看见毛毡支持的阀门。
- As the diamond tip of the drill revolves, it is lubricated by mud. 在钻机的金刚钻头旋转的时候,泥浆便进行了润滑。
- Impelled by feelings of guilt, John wrote to apologize. 约翰有感愧疚,於是写信道歉。
- We are specifilzed in felt pads, EVA, unwoven fabric, PVC, silicon, plastic, insulating paper, glue for lightings & appliance. 灯饰、电器专用防火棉、玻璃纤棉、EVA脚垫、绒布(不织布)垫、植绒垫、透明PVC硅胶、橡胶垫、绝缘纸、瞬间胶等。
- Can you tell what this is by feeling it? 你能摸出这是什么东西吗?
- He was tormented by feelings of insecurity. 他苦于没有安全感。
- Against the actual problem of wear &damage caused by poor lubrication of large fan bearing, the method of improving bearing lubrication by using hydraulics is put forward. 针对大型通风机轴承因启动时润滑不良而造成磨损及损坏的实际问题,指出了采用液压技术改进轴承润滑的方法。
- She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt. 她感到愧疚难当。
- Blind people recognise things by feeling them. 肓人靠触觉辩认东西。
- Try to tell what this is just by feeling it. 凭手摸摸说出这是什么东西?
- By feeling we tell what is hard from what is soft. 凭感触分辨软与硬。
- You will recognize holographic inserts by feeling. 你们将籍由感觉认识全息嵌入。
- As the diamond tip of the drill revolves,it is lubricated by mud. 在钻机的金刚钻头旋转的时候,泥浆便进行了润滑。
- Take up spilled lubricants by suitable binding agents! 使用适当的接合剂吸收溢出润滑剂!
- To be torn by feelings, tortured by thoughts: is it normal? 受感情撕裂、受思想折磨:可算正常?
- The gear system, the trach and the major friction parts are fully lubricated by the continual and concentrated lubrication device of the ZP100. 有连续集中润滑系统,使传动系统,道轨和主要磨擦部位得到充分的润滑,噪声和磨损减少,使维修保养费用大大降低。
- Impelled by feelings of guilt,John wrote to apologize. 约翰有感愧疚, 于是写信道歉。
- Blind persons can often recognize objects by feeling them. 盲人常能凭触摸辨识物体。