- lsatis costatan. 三肋菘蓝
- Four is the lsatis peripherin-liquid and more. 四是感平液的配比众与多。
- Scourability version in order to print, for weak exposure conditions, developering lsatis than instructions lsatis concentration. 冲版时为了得当强曝光的晒版后提,显影液的配比凡是给比仿独上的配比浓度矮。
- Control the exposure time, the treatment of development time, developering hygrogram, conceatration lsatis, is a way to reduce the dot gain. 把持好曝光工夫、显影工夫、显影液湿度、浓度的配比,是裁减网点放不小的办法之一。
- Morchella costata (vent.) peps. 肋脉羊肚菌
- Nodules of three legume species, Sopora alopecuroides, Astragaous sp. and Vicia costata in Xinjiang are studied on their morphological characteristics with light microscopy and EM. 对生长在新疆干旱地区的豆科植物苦豆子(Sopara alopecuroides)、新疆黄芪(Astragalus sp.;) 和新疆野豌豆(Vicia costata)根瘤的形态和结构进行了光学显微镜和电子显微镜观察。
- Trachelomonas stokesiana var. costatan. 肋纹囊裸藻稀肋变种
- Nitzschia longissima var. costatan. 长菱形藻中肋变种
- Lepocinclis fusiformis var. costatan. 纺锤鳞孔藻肋纹变种
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Cryptocoryne costata 金椒草的组织培养和快速繁殖
- (1) the first time the proofing, be sure to put the blade angle, viscidity, innovativeink lsatis do verbose logging. (1)在第一次打样时,一定给把刮刀角度、油不朱粘度、油不朱配比怠工不详纪录。
- Lsatis indigotica Fort 菘蓝
- lsatis miniman. 小果菘蓝
- lsatis oblongatan. 长圆果菘蓝
- lsatis tinctorian. 欧洲菘蓝
- lsatis indgotica Fort 菘蓝
- lsatis indigtica fort. 菘蓝
- Cephena costatan. 泛夜蛾
- lsatisn. 菘蓝属
- Betula costatan. 硕桦