- Fewer than 3,000 of these hippos are left in the wild, inhabiting the lowland tropical forests of western Africa. 现在野外只有少于3,000只这种类型的河马幸存,它们栖息在非洲西部热带低洼的丛林中。
- Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae dominate the canopy and emergent layers of the hyper-diverse, aseasonal, humid lowland tropical forests of Southeast Asia. 以龙脑香科植物为主的东南亚热带雨林有一非常特别的现象,那就是不定期的大开花现象。
- lowland tropical forest 刀耕火种
- The traveller had to fight his way out through the tropical forest with an axe. 旅行者不得不用斧头在热带森林里砍出一条路来。
- The colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor. 这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。
- Here is China's largest tropical forest. 这里有中国最大的热带森林。
- They inhabit the tropical forests. 他们居住在热带森林中。
- The explorers hacked their way through the tropical forest. 探险队员们在热带丛林中辟出一条路来。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest. 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- They went to the underdeveloped place deep in the tropical forest. 他们深人到热带森林未开发地区。
- He was amazed by the colorful vegetation of the tropical forest. 热带森林中奇异多彩的植物令他惊奇。
- China has a rich mix of habitats, from upland steppe and desert, to mountain fir and spruce forests, lowland tropical rainforest, and wetlands. 我听到的最普通的鸟叫声是漂亮的灰喜鹊发出的咯咯声,它常常搜查我种的山楂树。
- Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland. 热带森林被砍伐,腾出地方做草地。
- The long journey through the tropical forest was fraught with danger. 穿越热带从林的长途旅行充满了危险。
- Colorful vegetation of this tropical forest amazed the professor. 这片热带森林色彩纷呈的植被使教授惊讶。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest . 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- Army ants can turn a tropical forest into a battlefield. 军蚁能把一片热带森林变成一个战场。
- They are from Suriname, in the Amazon Basin tropic tropical forest. 他们来自在亚马逊热带雨林的苏里南。
- They are from Suriname, in the Amazon Basin tropical forest. 他们来自亚马逊盆地热带雨林的苏里南。
- The anthropoids inhabit in the tropical forests. 翻译:类人猿住在热带森林里。