- He got a loan from the bank at the lowest interest rate. 他以底码从银行贷到了一笔资金。
- I consolidated my loans years ago and have a very low interest rate. 我很多年前就统一计算贷款了,所以利率很低。
- Make certain you receive that lowest interest rate possible for your individual situation. 你一定要接受,最低利率可能你个人的情况。
- It should be a card which has a low interest rate, and you will also want to get cards which have no annual fees. 应该有一张低利率、你也没有想得卡年费。
- How would my loan payments change if I found a lower interest rate? 如果利率降低,我的还贷情况如何变化?
- Many people don't like to deposit money in banks because of the low interest rate. 因为利率太低,许多人都不愿把钱存进银行。
- The couple refinanced at a low interest rate to free up money for medical bills. 这对夫妇在利率低的时候重新筹钱付医疗费。
- The reason that such bear-market bounces repeat is the US Federal Reserve's low interest rate. 导致熊市反弹重复出现的原因是美联储的低利率政策。
- In order to support his development, the bank charged a very low interest rate on his loan. 为支持他的发展,银行对他的贷款收取微息。
- Another reason the more important is that employees receive a special low interest rate on loans, usually one percent below prime rate. 另一个原因更重要,就是职工可享受特殊的贷款利息率,较之最优惠利息率一般还要低去百分之一。
- In that event, lower interest rates might not help. 在那种情况下,较低的利率可能就没什么用了。
- Fu Fund believe that the bottom is too early to predict when the economy, low interest rate environment will remain a longer period of time. 华富基金认为,预言经济何时见底为时尚早,低利率环境会维持一个较长的时间。
- Obama's support strengthened the possibility that Bernanke will likely over time to maintain its low interest rate policy. 奥巴马的支持加强了一种可能性,就是伯南克将很有可能在一段时间内维持其低利率政策。
- Low interest rates have made bonds and bank deposits unrewarding too. 同时低利率已经让债券和银行存款变得无利可图。
- For those stuck with debt, move cash to cards with low interest rates. 对于长期产生债务,可利用利息较少的现金存入卡中。
- The company decided to float a loan at lower interest rates. 公司决定筹集低息贷款。
- Presently with a low interest rate and a very thin transaction volume in the securities market, many investors are looking for other investment opportunities. 现时存款利率偏低,股市交投淡静,很多投资者都希望寻求其他的投资机会。
- The Retail Bond Market Ordinary investors are increasingly drawn to retail bonds, which can offer attractive returns in the current low interest rate environment. 利率低企,令零售债券的回报率特别具吸引力,因此越来越多普罗大众投资于零售债券。
- The Foleys are among the thousands of homeowners on the brink of losing their homes.The couple refinanced at a low interest rate to free up money for medical bills. 如果你现在手里正持有一套不景气的房产,那么这个消息对你来说则是雪上加霜。
- Since 2000, in Federal Reserve whole has used the low interest rate monetary policy, is opposite in the control bloating, pays great attention to stimulate economic growth. 自2000年以来,美联储整体上采用了低利率的货币政策,相对于控制通胀,更注重刺激经济增长。