- The difference between highest and lowest monthly mean values is about 72% in Broad-leaved Korean Pine forest,73% in Asian white birch forest,26% in David poplar forest,56% in Spruce-fir forest,and 144% in Ermans Birch forest. 不同群落细根现存量月动态变化也有较大差异,月均最高最低相差阔叶红松林约为72%25、白桦林近73%25、山杨林26%25、云冷杉林56%25、岳桦林144%25。
- Choose a plan with a low monthly payment. 选择一个月供较低的方案。
- Is fitted to the monthly mean values. 表示每月平均值的长期趋势。
- I think the lowest monthly salary should be 4 000 yuan. 我想最低月薪应为4 000元。
- Applying a one-side t-test, the difference in the principal component for the monthly mean temperature is significant at the 5% level. 采用单侧t-检验,月平均气温这一主分量的差值在5%25的水平上是显著的。
- Even for peanuts and peanut products, the food group that is well known to be associated with aflatoxin, the mean level was low at 1.45g kg. 即使众所周知与黄曲霉毒素有关的食物组别;如花生及花生食品每千克的平均含量也低达1.;45微克。
- Cartwright. There is a stochastic analysis and prediction model,which can reli ablly give out the long term trend of mean sea level variations,and the monthly mean sea level prediction in the future years. 平均海面提出一种随机动态分析、预测模型,能比较可靠地求出平均海面长期变化趋势,并能对未来几年内作出月平均海面的预报。
- Jordan bought the house for no money down, low monthly payments and no strings attached. 乔丹买那间房子无须付现款,每月的缴纳金额少,且无附带条件。
- Electronic commerce stores in shared hosting get a variety of servies for a low monthly fee. 电子商务共享商店需要以一个低价获得更多种类的服务。
- As a result,the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees,the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- Consider a so-called catastrophic or major medical plan; these have the lowest monthly premiums and high deductibles, but they will pay off if the worst occurs. 考虑所谓灾难或重大医疗险;它们的月费用最低而抵税最多,在最糟糕情况出现时带来很大收益。
- As a result, the monthly mean temperature reached 20.1 degrees, the seventh-highest for March. 由于日照量偏高的关系,该月录得平均气温高达20.;1度,是三月份的第七最高纪录。
- The monthly mean of air relative humidity in shady slope was hyper to it in sunny slope with same dumping years. 对于排矸年限相同、坡向不同的样地,阴坡的月平均相对湿度高于阳坡。
- With plans that cover doctor visits, hospital advocacy, dental, vision, chiropractor &prescription drugs members can pay a low monthly fee and receive discounts from 40% - 87%. 与计划,包括医生探访,医院宣传,牙科,视力,脊椎治疗师及处方药的成员可以付出低月租费和接受折扣,从40%25-87%25。
- With no tropical cyclones in Hong Kong's vicinity,the monthly mean pressure reached 1012.1hetopascals,the highest on record for September. 在没有热带气旋接近本港的情况下,平均海平面气压高达1012.;1百帕斯卡,是九月份的最高纪录。
- Complete obstruction were more observed in BBO compared with MBO(P<0.01),positive rate of serum CEA in BBO as well as the mean level of CEA were lower than that in MBO(P<0.01). 良性肠梗阻更多表现为完全性肠梗阻;且血清CEA平均水平和阳性率较恶性肠梗阻低(P<0.;05)。
- In January this year, Hong Kong set the lowest monthly wage for the foreign domestic helpers as HK$3670 (US$470), and rejected the cutdown request raised by the employers body on account of economic recession. 今年一月香港决定外籍佣工每月最低薪资为三千六百七十港元(四百七十美元),并驳回雇主团体以经济不景气为由所提出的减薪要求。
- A II? ALD and mean artery pressure(MAP)(r=0.4172,0.4418,0.5124;P<0.05). In EH patients with heart and/or brain complications,the mean level of the serum A I? EH患者中 ;I、II、III期组间四者血清水平的方差检验无显著差异(P均 >0 .;0 5 );2 9例合并心脑血管并发症者与 4 1例无心脑血管并发症者组间四者也无明显差异 (p均>0
- They remove the variation in anti-depressant prescriptions associated with the general change in monthly mean temperature from the equation. 他们将开抗抑郁处方的数量跟每个月的温度变化对比。
- In the growth quarter,the monthly mean of air relative humidity in dumping 25~45a spot of shady slope was hyper 4.4% to dumping below 8a,and in sunny slope this value was 5.5%. 整个生长季中;阴坡排矸25 a~45 a样地的月均相对湿度比排矸8 a以下样地高4.;4%25;