- Research of Low Voltage Varistor Ceramic Material for IC 用于集成电路低压压敏陶瓷材料的研究
- lower voltage varistors 低压压敏电阻
- low voltage varistor 低压压敏电阻
- Bucksthe input down to a lower voltage. 把输入降至一个较低的电压.
- Low voltage rating power device. 低电压启动。
- Features: Low current, low voltage,low noise. 特点:低电流,低电压,低噪声。
- Low voltage driver and low current consumption. 拥有低电压驱动;低电流消耗的特性.
- Assembled safety and low voltage 24V heater. 并采用24V低压烙铁芯安全供电。
- Features: Low current, low voltage. 特点:低电流,低电压。
- Electrical development engineer in low voltage apparatus. 电气开发工程师。
- Low voltage is around the screen, creating a low-voltage AC field. 在屏的四周分布着低电压。形成一个低电压交流电场。
- Low voltage power line carrier automatic meter recording system. 低压电力线载波集抄系统。
- Magnetic interference can be a problem in low voltage circuits. 磁干扰亦会成为低压电路中的一个问题。
- JC low voltage various power and bases,clear/ftosted. JC低压卤素灯各种功率及灯头,清光/磨沙。
- Also, lower voltage taps are usually provided for idling and slow heatups. 通常在机器空转或者缓慢加热时用到低电压插孔。
- DC voltage divider can be used to design lower voltage direct current power. 直流分压器集开关电源和电能变换于一身,可以被用来设计降压型直流电源。
- Ensure proper and reliable function of low voltage electrical system. 确保低压电气系统正常可靠运作。
- Low voltage 24V thermostat soldering pen protects the faulty circuit board. 低压恒温24V烙铁有效保护维修线路板。
- Purpose: Low voltage output amplifier, audio muting, DC-DC converter. 用途:用于低电压输出放大,音频静音,直流-直流转换。
- The TMK(D)series protector even can be started at a low voltage of 85V. TMK(D)系列超低压多功能全自动冰箱、电视机稳压保护器,超低压85V也可起动,尤其适用于电压超低压地区。