- This method is applied to generate the digital topography of river reach from Huayuankou to Lijin in the Lower Yellow River. 以黄河下游花园口至利津河段为例详述了黄河下游河道数字地形生成的原理及实现。
- The Application of the Method of Magnetic Susceptibility to Prospecting the Recent Underlying Stratum in the Lower Yellow River Reaches 用磁化率方法研究近代河床沉积起始界面
- lower Yellow river reaches 黄河下游
- Based on the observed data in the wandering reach at the lower Yellow River, the adjustment of river regime is analyzed. 摘要通过黄河下游游荡性河道典型河段河势观测资料,统计分析了河势的调整关系。
- Field data shows that erosions happened in the whole reach of the Lower Yellow River during the storage periods of the Sanmenxia Reservoir and the Xiaolangdi Reservoir. 根据实测资料分析,在三门峡水库和小浪底水库拦沙期黄河下游均发生持续冲刷。
- The floodplain on the lower Yellow River is of an important place for flood channel,flood detention,desanding and 1. 黄河下游滩区是行洪、滞洪、沉沙和180余万人生活的重要场所,滩区治理模式受到人们广泛关注。
- The aggradation of the Lower Yellow River is caused mainly by the coarse particles larger than 0 .05 mm. 黄河下游的淤积大部分是由粒径大于0.05毫米的粗泥沙造成的。
- The effect of construction engineering harnessing of the floodplain in the lower Yellow River Valley is outstanding. 黄河下游滩区是行洪、滞洪、沉沙和180余万人生活的重要场所,滩区治理模式受到人们广泛关注。
- However, the floodplain is a place for lower Yellow River for detention and settling, so the farmland inundated by flood is an Unavoidable risk. 而滩区又是黄河下游滞洪沉沙的场所,耕地淹没是不可回避的风险。
- The paper discusses the fluvial tendency and makes a conclusion that the lower Yellow River will become trained gradually. 黄河下游的未来应该是逐步走上根治的道路。
- The lower Yellow River is a wandering channel with intense building-up, the channel tends to be scoured and silted and the water stage is uncertain. 黄河下游是一条强烈堆积性游荡河道,河床易冲易淤,水位变化无常。
- The first dominant discharge and second dominant discharge of the Lower Yellow River are calculated to analyze the processes of channel shrinkage. 本文通过计算黄河下游的第一造床流量和第二造床流量,分析了黄河下游河槽的萎缩过程。
- The sediment load entering the Lower Yellow River is so larger than that transported to the deep sea that the siltation of the river channel and esturay is unavoidable. 由于进入黄河下游的沙量远大于能输往深海的沙量,黄河下游河道及河口的整体淤积是不可避免的。
- It analyzes the influence of exploitation near the river to the phreatic cycle,lateral seepage and run-off amount of the lower Yellow River through establishing an under-flowing simulation model. 通过建立地下水流模拟模型,对傍河开采给黄河下游地下水循环、侧渗量及径流量带来的影响进行了分析。
- Study is presented on how to form a pilot channel for great water supply with the millisecond-delay blasting technique in front of the lock along the wide river bed of the lower Yellow River. 本文提出的微差爆破开槽冲刷成渠方法,是在湿滩的情况下,用微差爆破技术形成可以冲开的最小引槽,引水冲刷,最终形成闸前引水渠的成渠方法。
- Taking the changing tendency forecast of the channel patterns as an example, we have further discussed the application of geomorphic thresholds to the channel process in the Lower Yellow River. 并且以河型转化趋势预测为例,对地貌临界在河床演变中的应用作了进一步的探讨。
- In the section from Huayuankou to Jiahetan in the Lower Yellow River,the maximum sediment concentration at Jiahetan station is mainly affected by the incoming floods from Huayuankou station. 本文采用相关分析和人工神经网络模型建立了夹河滩洪水最大含沙量预报方案和模型。
- It is pointed out that the morphological evolution process of the lower Yellow River has three elementary aspects:shallow cross section,mild longitudinal slope and intensive amount of aggradation. 断面极为宽浅,纵比降的塑造,以致河道严重淤积,是黄河下游河床演变的三大基本问题。
- Through dynamic river bed experiments and fine sand river bed in lower Yellow River,localized scouring on piers under unsteady flow when river channel is narrowed in large scale is researched. 通过动床试验,结合黄河下游细沙河床研究了大尺度缩窄河道时非恒定流桥墩的局部冲刷。