- Normally a headphone amplifiers has a very low output impedance which gives the amp tight control over the headphone action. 翻一下:一般情况下耳机放大器为了对耳机控制有很低的输出阻抗。
- low output impedance stage 低输出阻抗级
- These devices are up to 14 bit accurate with low aperture jitter and output impedance. 这些器件能达到14 bit精度并具有低孔径抖动和输出阻抗。
- It also has a low impedance, which assures that the typical unbalanced output impedance is between 100 and 1000 ohms. 同时它的低阻抗可以确保典型的非平衡输出阻抗保持在100到1,000欧姆之间。
- After start-up, the low amplifier output impedance reduces reference current variations due to the current through R1. 完成启动后,放大器很低的输出阻抗将会降低因流经R1的电流不足以影响稳压管上的电压稳定性。
- There is a lot more to good amplifier performance than output impedance. 除了输出阻抗外,还有很多因素才能构成一部好的放大器。
- Features: High breakdown voltage, low output capacitance, high fT. 特点:高击穿电压,低输出电容,特征频率高。
- However, many headphones have been sonically optimized to be driven by an output impedance of120 Ohm. 但是,许多耳机是在120欧姆的输出阻抗下被调音的。
- The circuit in Figure 1 forms a highpass filter with the output impedance of the serial port and the capacitor. 如图1电路形成带串口和电容输出阻抗的高通滤波器。
- The replacement of BTL power amplifier with VCCS is adopted,to make the output impedance much higher and to overcome the anti-turning moment. 为此提出采用VCCS代替BTL功放来提高输出阻抗,克服恢复力矩。
- For optimal signal transfer, the output impedance of the source should be equal to the characteristic impedance of the switch, the cables, and the DUT. 为了实现最优的信号传输,源的输出阻抗应该等于开关、电缆和DUT的特征阻抗。
- The causes for the low output of fluorosilicic acid, the byproduct from the phosphoric acid unit, are analyzed. 摘要分析了磷酸装置副产品氟硅酸产量偏低的原因。
- By using the wide-swing cascode current sources, the output impedance is increased without using too much voltage tolerance. CP电路中采用宽摆幅共源共栅电流源,增大了VCO控制电压范围;
- Yet the contradictory situation of high input versus low output has long been baffling English teaching in China. 但是,英语教学的高投入、低产出一直困扰着外语教学。
- The SH-833's output impedance was on the high side, at 5 ohms from the 8 ohm transformer tap and 2.6 ohms from the 4 ohm tap. SH-833's输出阻抗是偏高; 在5欧姆从8欧姆变压器轻打和2.;6欧姆从4欧姆轻打
- It is also widely available, cheap, resistant to RFI, and quite remarkably noise free, since it has low output dV/dT and does not generate a supply current pulse. 优点是应用广泛、价格便宜、抗射频干扰(RFI),而且噪声相当低(得益于输出压摆率低,不会产生开关电流)。
- The main OP in pipeline is realized by a two-stage cascode architecture with gain-boost OP.The large output impedance ensures this architecture a very high DC gain. 流水线中的运放采用带增益自举的两级CASCODE结构实现,通过提高运放的输出电阻来得到高的直流电压增益。
- Low output syndrome occurred in 8 patients(7.6%)and se vere ventricular arrhythmia occurred after operation in 10 patients(9.5%). 术后发生低心排血综合征8例(7.;6%25),严重室性心律失常10例(9
- It features full-range ZVS, zero DC-bias magnetizing current, symmetrical voltage stress, low output current ripple, and better dynamic response. 搭配此方法之不对称半桥转换器具有全范围零电压切换、无直流偏磁问题、整流二极体有相同耐压、较低输出电流涟波以及较佳之动态响应。
- According to low output of Ta and Nb ore concentrate and short supply of raw materials for metallurgy in China, the countermeasures are presented. 对我国钽铌矿山精矿产量较低、钽铌冶炼原料短缺这一现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。